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"Briar, you're not killing Daniel," Harper groans from the driver's seat. The girls were on their way to the venue where the boys were doing a sound check. It was silently agreed upon to not tell Daniel that Harper was coming but that doesn't mean the girl wasn't flipping shit in her head.

"Okay well first off, you're not the boss of me," Briar replies earning an eye roll from Harper. "Secondly, I'm going to kill him with or without your permission simply because I just want to kill him."

"Okay but why?" Harper asks as she turns into the venue's parking lot.

"Harper's always wanted to hurt Daniel," Christina mumbles, not looking up from her phone. "We don't know why she's just always been fighting with him."


"You really don't but go off," Harper mutters, parking the car in one fluid motion. "Look, obviously our relationship meant nothing to him so hurting him isn't gonna do anything but make me feel bad."

"I just want to get you answers," Briar sighs as she slips out of the car behind Gabbie. "You deserve them after all of these years."

"Well yeah but there are other ways to get answers out of him," Harper laughs, following behind the other three girls slowly. "I would know, I dated him for two years. He couldn't keep a secret from me even if he tried."

"So this should be easy then," Gabbie mumbles, pulling the door open. Christina leads the way to the stage seeing as she's been to this venue the most out of the four. They can hear the boys singing and Harper's heart just jumps to her throat.

"I don't know if I can do this," Harper whispers to Christina who immediately links their arms together.

"You got this, I'll be with you the entire time," Christina quietly reassures the girl. "We can leave anytime you want."

"DANIEL JAMES SEAVEY, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Briar shouts, pushing her way onto the stage and towards the scared blonde. "I swear to god if you try to run, I will make your death even more painful."

"Can I at least know why I'm gonna die?" Daniel whines, backing up as the shorter girl stalks her way over to him. The other boys don't even try to intervene, just step back and away from the scene. Briar doesn't answer Daniel just spins on her heel and grabs Harper's arm, pulling her over to the blonde. Daniel looks confused before taking in Harper's face causing his expression to drop. "Harper?"

"Hi, Daniel," Harper whispers, her hands in her back pockets. Harper wants the floor to just swallow her up whole. She can't even look at Daniel, her gaze permanently glued to the floor.

"Uh, what's happening?" Jonah questions, watching the interaction carefully.

"I was right to be wary about Seavey," Briar responds, her heated gaze not moving from the squirming blonde. "He was hiding a big part of his life and for good reason. He hid it because he knows that he's in the wrong and doesn't want you guys to look at him differently."

"Daniel, what did you do?" Another girl sighs, walking out from the side of the stage.

"I-uh," Daniel stutters, not knowing what to say or do. Harper can't help but take pity on him and turns towards Briar.

"What part of let's not kill Daniel did you not get?" Harper groans, rubbing her eye tiredly.

"All of it," Briar simply replies earning laughter from almost everyone. "Also everything that I just said was really mean and I kind of feel bad about so I'm sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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