2- I wish I was Adenine Because Then I Could Be Paired With U

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"What's your next class?" I said to Chloe as the lunch bell rang.

"Bio, you?"

"Same! Who's your teacher?" I said suddenly excited.

"Mr. Homes? What a weird name haha, I bet he's some old guy!"

"Me too! Haha yeah probably!" We both laughed as we walked through the halls together to Mr. Holmes' classroom.

We walked in, and suddenly at the front of the room, I saw an angel. A model from LA. My jaw dropped. I had a lady boner. This can't be. My luck is the best. WTF he's so hot. I looked over at Chloe she looked the same, we practically had hearts in our eyes, we were fangirling over our 25-year old bio teacher.

"He ain't no old man" I whispered.

"You've got that right."

We both took our seats, close enough to the front that we could admire him, but not too close so that he could hear us.

"God damn, he's got some nice genes"  Chloe joked.

"Get it...cause we're in biology?" Chloe lost it as she literally laughed her ass off at her own joke. 

I was personally too busy looking at my model of a teacher. My Heart has beaten fast before when I had to run for PE, panic attacks when I had unfished homework that was due. When I was being chased by a creepy old man on the street. But never like this, my heart hurt in a different kind of way this time. 

It fluttered...

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