3-Want to be the substrate to my enzyme?

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I watched his every move, as he passed out the green syllabus, while he talked about homework percentages and the final. As he licked his finger to separate the stack of papers and pass them out, I watched intently, feeling my mouth water. 

"And that concludes our talk!" He said with an enthusiastic smile, his pearly whites blinding me. I ducked under the table to hide my blush. I glanced at Chloe, and she was busy whispering to other girls and taking photos of Mr. Homes. He noticed Chloe doing this, and did a thumbs up for her snapchat, causing all of the students to laugh. 

"Okay students. I want to get to know you all, so if you guys could just fill out the papers I pass out then I promise to give all of you guys jolly ranchers tomorrow!" He beamed, giving everyone tiny slips of paper. I could feel heat rolling up my body as he inched closer. Chloe pinched me, and mentioned how nervous I was getting. She pointed her head towards a classmate and smiled. 

"That's Edwin. We're close friends, I can introduce you to him if you-" 

"No, It's okay! I'm not really looking for a boyf-". As I say that Mr. Homes gently places a paper on my desk and pats my shoulder, making me look up at his chiseled jaw, perky lips, and deep ocean blue eyes. 

"Good choice." He says, slowly walking away. My shoulder tingled. The moment replayed over and over, good choice stuck in my head. He thinks I made a good choice. All I could think about was writing for him when I got home and telling Mr. Homes the best parts about myself on this half-sheet of paper. When the bell finally did ring, I sent Mr. Homes a loving look (but made sure he couldn't see beforehand) and slowly walked to the door, exiting, then dashing to the bathroom. 

My hair is a mess! I can't believe he saw me like this. I decided that I'm going to try and look extra girly tomorrow, and make sure to bring a brush and chapstick. 


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