1- You're So Hot You Denature My Protiens

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"OLIVIA! Come down and eat your breakfast. I made a smoothie to cleanse your mind. Lmao? Did I use that right?" My mom said. My mom is really bad at being hip with the kids, as she would say. 

"I'm good mom, thanks anyway, I already ate. Have a good day at work!" I rush to the door to escape her cringe. I barely hear her "You too!" as I shut the door. As I walk to school in high spirits, the cool autumn wind blows in my hair, and beautiful leaves, gently fall to the ground, but then reality hits in. This is a new school, I don't know anyone, Alexis is in New York, and once again I'm all alone. I feel a sting in my heart, and it starts racing, I feel like vomiting, my feet feel sluggish, and I feel faint. I start to see gray flashes. I collapse on the ground, breathing hard. "I can't do this..." I see a hand in front of my face. "Do you need help?" a brown-haired girl says, "thanks" I whisper. We walk to school in silence as I try to calm down.

-Ring-  -Ring-  -Ring-

It's lunchtime, I'm all alone. I hate this. I want to go home. I want to paint, or bake, or do anything else except be here. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn, it's the brown haired girl.

"Hello again!"


"My name's Chloe! Nice to meet you!"

"My name's Olivia, it's nice to meet you too." I say, watching as Chloe sits next to me. What is going on, this beautiful girl is sitting next to me? How is this happening?  Huh???

"I just moved here, so I don't really have any friends, but I'm trying to go around and meet new people, so it's very nice to meet you!"

"Yeah, same! I don't know anyone here." Wow! She's so cool, I wish I was like her! So outgoing!

Even though I just met Chloe, I really hope we never stray apart.

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