5-If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?

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I turned around, suddenly the once empty classroom was filled with students and they were all staring at me. "What's her deal, she's right in front of a teacher..." said one girl. "She probably does drugs or something, to be able to talk like that so easily..." said another. "what the fuck..." "PFT, what an idiot..." "She's crazy..."

 I could feel everyone begin to make assumptions about me. How did this happen... Tears started welling up, my heartbeat raced, I couldn't breathe, my legs were suddenly strands of spaghetti, I could barely stand, my breathing increased. Someone help me...please...My vision went gray, then black...


When I woke up I was in the nurse's office. I didn't want to deal with the nurse's questions, so I just stared up at the ceiling. Was it always so bright? And then I remembered what I had done. Right in front of Mr. Homes? Really? Olivia you idiot. What's wrong with you... A tear rolled down my cheek. I saw a hand offer up a tissue. I took it "thanks." I whispered, because of the lump in my throat.  I looked over. And my eyes met with an azure colored ocean, suddenly I was calm, I heard seagulls chirping and the wave crashing. Wait a minute...I know those eyes...

"Mr. Homes?!! What are you doing here?!" I yelped from surprise.

"Well Mr. Gibson doesn't have a 7th period, so he offered to sub for me, once I called him, and told him how a student of mine fainted." Mr. Homes said, in a logical manner, yet all I could pay attention to was his husky voice. I simply watched as his jaw moved up and down. It was quite sharp, to say the least. How mesmerizing...I could watch it all day. 

"Um, well, don't I have to talk to the nurse? I said. My eyes darted back and forth, I must look so weird in his eyes. I swore, the fainted, and now I've raised my voice at him. Now I'm staring at him talk like a creep. What a horrible first impression I gave him. 

"I think it's best you talk to me, you were quite nervous back there weren't you? So what happened?" He asked, with kind eyes.

Well, I can't just tell him I had a panic attack, how lame, he would dislike something so weak. So disgusting. So worthless. My heart suddenly felt sore from all the self-loathing. I grabbed the cruddy blanket they give to all the students in the infirmary.  I pulled a fake smile and said: "I must have just been dehydrated, I should be more careful next time haha..."

His kind eyes turned sympathetic. I saw him change position, and open his arms, next thing I knew, my head was at his shoulder, and all I smelled was his leather cologne. 

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