4-Are you a start codon? Because you're turning me on.

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I woke up extra early to put on some light makeup, mom is weirdly good at it so I picked it up pretty easily! Some blush here, some lipgloss here. Perfect! 

Unfortunately, bio was my last class of the day, so I had to get through everything else first, but at least I could meet up with Chloe! She's the best! As we walked to school together we talked about boys and Chloe's crush Noah, but no matter how well she described him the only man I was thinking of was Mr. Homes. I had to get him out of my head! Am I insane? A freshman with a teacher? Sure he's pretty young, but still! And yeah, he's really hot...no no no no no. I need to get a grip. This will never work out. Take a chill pill you stupid ovaries. 


It was lunchtime, and Chloe was introducing me to some of her friends, although I was nervous, I was confident. She was right by my side ready to help me up again. I'm so glad she likes me, I'm glad I'm her friend, I couldn't ask for anything more at the moment. I met Shawn, Alice, and Elijah.  They were all such beautiful, talented, kind people. I felt so insecure. Why are these incredible people getting to know someone like me? I still don't get it. But it'll be ok I think. I'll get to know them, I really want to be their friend. I wonder if any of them paint? 

-Ring- -Ring- -Ring-

The bell rang. It was finally time. Chloe and I both looked at each other realizing what this meant, we grabbed our bags and rushed off.

"Sorry, gotta blast guys!" Chloe hollered as we both ran to biology, snickering with laughter.

We entered the room before anyone else. Chloe being the enthusiastic person she is, walked up to Mr. Homes with me and started cracking jokes. I, in the meantime, was fidgeting. He was so close. My heart was racing. I could smell his leather scented cologne. His smile was whiter than snow from Santa's workshop. He was wearing an awfully tight dress shirt today, and I realized he had muscles that could make even John Cena jealous...And that's when I realized that this feeling was no ordinary crush. I had really fallen head over heels for my teacher. 

"FRICK!" I accidentally yelled out loud. I finally grasped just how deep of a hole I'm digging myself into.

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