Chapter 2: Jack, Jack Frost

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Jack's POV:

I sat there, looking at my freshly polished snow board, which I had polished myself. After my parents gave it to me, I never let anyone else touch it. It was Jewel blue with a fat platinum stripe down the middle, and the underside was splattered with platinum snowflakes. This board was my pride and joy. I had painted those snowflakes on myself, and only devoted fans ever noticed them. My Frosties.

I gingerly put the board into its case, which was platinum toned and dusted with jewel blue snowflakes, which, again, I had painted myself. Im really good at making snowflakes. Theyre so intricate and delicate, and no two can ever be exactly alike. They're like people, exept people are always trying to be the same as others. Thats what I hate about people. Exept for my girlfriend Rapunzel, I have never met anyone who was entirely unique.

Rapunzel is a singer, dancer, and actress. What Broadway calls a Triple Threat. And although shes sweet, pretty, and cute, she can be pretty threatening. She has a special frying pan, and I cant even count how many times shes hit me with it. Especially lately, because some idiot had the nerve to come up with a fake story about me and that ice skater chick, Elsa Arens. And Elsa is Punzies cousin! Despite Elsa being the love of my lifes cousin, Ive never actually met her formally. Sure, I'd seen her at a party or two, but I'm pretty sure she couldnt see me.

I strolled out to my living room and took a seat on the couch, running my fingers through my silver-white hair. Which isnt dyed, by the way. Somehow its real. I picked up a trashy magazine that I guess one of my butlers brought in with the mail. Believe it ir not being famous instantly gets you subscriptions to every magazine on the planet. Not always a perk.

I groaned as I saw who was on the cover. Elsa Arens. Lately it seems like shes everywhere I go, and yet she never is.

I groaned again as I read the main story caption. "Elsa Arens, Ice Queen, Tells All About Her Love Affair With Snowboarder Jack Frost" BULLSHIT. I flipped to the page it was on and read the article. It was convincing, but it was bare. There were only two quotes from Elsa herself, and they had nothing to do with the article whatsoever. Nobody would believe this crap. Good.

"JACKIE POOOO, ITS TIME TO GO! You dont wanna be late for your flight, do you my little Apple Jack?" Punzie trilled.

"Im coming, Sunshine Cupcake." I replied, my voice dripping with desire.

Punzie came and sat on my lap, wrapping her slender arms around my neck and we started making out. After a good ten minutes, Punzie whispered on my lips, "Bedroom, Apple Jack" And I gladly obliged. Who cared if I was late for my flight? I could always get another one. This nirvana wasnt going to be put on hold.

Photo: Jack secretly thinking, "OH, the things I would do to you"

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