Chapter 7: The First Crack in the Crumbling Monument

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Jack's POV

I woke up neatly tucked into bed, with Punzie staring at me intently, huge green eyes burning on my groggy blue ones.

"Hmrhf...?" I mumbled, not remembering anything that happened yesterday, but remembering it was something weird

"Yeep!" Punzie leaped off the bed And held up her frying pan, ready to attack. My eyes widened and I was now fully awake. Slowly, the events of yesterday started to come back to me. I remembered that Punzie had smacked me with a frying pan last night.., and... I was in the hospital?!???.., The car crash flashed almost visibly in my mind. I had fallen asleep in my car... Why had I been in my car so late? What the fuck?...


I smiled serenely as images of the beautiful girl came flooding back to me, as if all the memories I had made with her in that short time were bleeding back into my brain, gushing from the wound of my concussion. I remembered the way her bangs had brushed her eyelashes and flew every which way when she twirled on the ice, ice that complemented her translucent skin so perfectly. I recalled the fuchsia lips, vibrant as the corners of her mouth torted upwards to lift her face into a smile. I practically felt the snowy touch of her sweet flesh against my hands and face, taking me a step further into heaven with every touch. I saw the gleaming white of her beautiful teeth, and the flashing of her glossy platinum hair pulled into It's neat bun. I remembered her long, nimble fingers threading the metallic strands first into a braid, then swirling it round on her head. I pictured again and again the vision of her wavy locks falling about her face as she coloured becomingly, and the way her chest bounced whenever she laughed at my antics. I felt her slim waist between my hands and the swaying hips that rolled against my touch. I felt her warm back pressed against my fingers as she shivered as I caressed her beautiful body. I lustfully recalled hovering inches away from her face as I held her to the ground, lips practically begging to meet each other. My tongue ran along my lips as I remembered her swiftly skating away from me, ass jiggling. I yearned to touch her again.
At first I thought she had been nothing more than a vivid dream. A beautiful, beautiful, wonderful dream, but nonetheless a fragment of my male imagination. I itched to touch her in all her secret places, and dirtily wanted to feel her pleasuring my manhood in a variety of disgustingly delicious ways. It saddened me to know that she was no more than a fantasy.  Yet I still craved things from her that no good man should crave of a woman.
But for Good or for worse I don't know, but I remembered, finally, the colour of her eyes. Their bright aqua blue was a startling contrast to the rest of her, staring out. They had looked scared, shy, loving, and tortured all at the same time. I knew my own mind could not conjure up something so expressive as those eyes, and I decided that Elsa, with her azure eyes, was real. I realized that she plagued my mind and, whether or not she knew it, was taking over my entire being. In that moment I didnt care about Rapunzel, or whatever her stupid pet name was. I couldn't care less about snowboarding, not even the Olympics, which were all but vague comprehensions in a mind dominated by a beautiful girl.
I sat up in bed, and Rapunzel swung at me with her ridiculous frying pan, but too late. I caught it and wrenched it from her hands, and threw it, shattering the window as it started falling from ten stories up. It could seriously injure someone. I broke a window. I could get kicked out of the hotel.
"I'm going out." I said simply, half growling, to Rapunzel, who was backed up in a corner and staring at me.
She nodded, as if I needed her permission. Yeah, right.
I went into the bathroom, to shave and shower, brush my teeth and such. I might not have been in a very caring mood, But I wanted to be spiffed up for Elsa.
A towel was around my waist as I came out. Rapunzel came up to me and tried to take it off me.
"Jackie, I dont know if I like this new side to you. Why dont you come to bed and play with me?"
"No." I gently pushed her aside, but my words were firm.
She continued to cling to me. "No."
"Hmph." She crossed her arms "Why are you being such a dickhead?"
"Maybe it was the frying pan." I said dryly
"Uh, excuse you. You TOTALLY deserved the frying pan. You know the rules, we set a time and you were five hours late!"
"I'm a man, Rapunzel. Not a child. And you are not my mother, so stop acting like you own me."
"You're my fiance! I practically own you! You may not be an actual child, But you're acting like one." She said snarkily.
I didn't answer. I went into the bedroom and locked the door. Sliding open the door of the walk-in closet, I spied black jeans and a silky almost-navy dress shirt. With some difficulty I pulled on the tight pants and buttoned the indigo shirt, pulling on a black blazer over it. I dried and gelled my silvery hair, and splashed on some pine scented cologne Hiccup had gotten me as a going away gift. As a last thought, a smart silver watch managed to snake It's way around my wrist. I plopped onto the periwinkle bedspread, grabbing my black IPhone5S and Pandoraed Soft Rock radio. I relaxed for a few songs and let the tension from the minifight with Rapunzel melt away from me. Eventually she was banging on the door so loud I couldn't hear the music, which bothered me, But I dismissed it. Getting up I looked in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair time reshape it, pulled up my pants, straightened out my shirt and blazer. I smiled at my reflection. I looked Good, I smelled Good, and I felt Good. I pocketed my phone and wallet, which I filled with a couple hundreds, and cautiously walked out. As I predicted, pathetic Rapunzel was sitting cross-legged infront of the door, giving me a death stare. I smiled sloppily at her.
"Bye!" I said with all the cheers in the world. And a voice crack.
She was up in an instant "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" ATLEAST TELL ME WHEN YOU'LL BE BACK!" She kept yelling more mindless banter and flailing her arms, But I was already walking away.
"I'll call you!" I said dismissively, looking back at her for an instant. I made a 'whatever' signal with my hand at her patchy face, red and pink from yelling. Her hair was a mess, tangled so much it only reached the middle of her calf. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks tearstained. I was glad to be getting away from her.

I stepped out into the crisp winter air of London and breathed in the particular smell of the place; like a morning bun, smoke, and pruned branches. The smell of melting ice and snow was strong. The air was damp, and he was glad he had dressed the way he did. His black Doc Martins sheilded his feet from the slushy sidewalk, but he almost wished they didn't. He liked the feel of melting ice almost as much as frozen.
He pulled out his phone from his front pocked and dialed in 'E'
It was the first one thst came up, and that made his smile even wider. I Had already memerized her number, anyway. He clicked the call button and held the cool glass to his ear.
I never meant for you all to have to wait so long OMG I'M sO SOrRy
It just happened UGH
pls forgive meh
1. I have a girlfriendddddd
Betcha didn't know I was queer huh huh
She's with me now
2. Rapunzel is not evil. She just hasn't met the right man yet. Be patient.
3. I've started hanging out with emo stoners
They are literally the best group of friends I've ever had. Don't worry, they don't pressure me into things. Im kind of the innocent friend/group kitten. If only they knew what goes on in my head LOL.
One of them is being threatened to be stabbed, so that's one thing. Not the best part of this friendship really.
4. My keyboard stopped working and my new one IS SO HARD TO USE FUCK
Thats it Really. Bye, Snowfairies!
-Designer Diva

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