Chapter 3: The Meeting of Jelsa

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Jack's POV:

You know very well what we did. Dont even ask.

And yeah, it made me late for my flight. Whatever. I could ask my friend Hiccup if he could drive me in his private jet. No biggie.

Unfortunate name, I know. But Hicc is very rich. Hes not super famous or anything, hes just successful. Apparently he developed a form of pet training that worked so well he basically slid down a slide into a mountain of cash, and hes really generous. My best friend, actually.

I called Hicc and he told me to meet him at the jet port, so he could send me off. I asked him if hed like to come to the Olympics with me, but he said that he was too busy. Bummer, Hiccup would be a great person to have with me during this whole thing. As you might have noticed, Im really fond of Hiccup. Hes been there for me when I've had no one, and he helped me through it when my parents died. Hes like a brother to me, and I dont think I'd be alive without him. Hes the one who encouraged me to take up snowboarding.

I drove to the jet port with Punzie, stroking her thigh the whole way. Hiccup had a jet driver hired to take us to England. As he promised, he met us there and said goodbye. He was really nice to Punzie, but for some reason shes never liked him. I cant imagine why, hes so nice!

The ride to England was nice and quiet, a good escape from all the hecticy that had been going on recently.

Elsas POV

I stood there admiring my hotel room. The walls were painted a gorgeous creme, with dark red lampshades dappling the room in a romantic light. The trimming was a delicate icy blue, and there was a fish tank embedded into the wall with lovely colourful fish swimming around. The furnishing in the front room consisted of a dark red paisley couch and matching armchair, automan, and loveseat, with dark oak side tables and a coffee table with a creme table cloth. A few oaken chairs dotted the little chatting area with plushy silk creme cushions, and a large, icy blue flat screen TV was placed at the second focal point of the room so everyone could see. The carpet was dark red with creme and ice blue rugs placed around, and a glorious carved door with ice blue accents led to the kitchen. As I walked into the modern space, I couldnt think of anything exept how beautiful this hotel was. The kitchen was toned calm bitter green and cheery yellow, and gave off a very sophisticated feel. The countertops were finished with white marble and made of birch, and all the appliances were shiny steel. The splashboard was the green, yellow, and white tiles in a complex pattern, and the floor was made to match. The walls were painted a simple white, and the lamp was made into three sections, one white, one green, and one yellow, bathing and dappling the room in rich colours. A metal wine rack was stocked with rare, delicious, and expensive spirits. All three doors (living room, dining room, washroom) were white with a yellow and a green stripe. I headed into the washroom, which was white with steel appliances, nothing special. Heading back through the kitchen into the dining room, I saw a long oak table with similar, but larger, seats to those in the living room, and a chandelier that held both creme and dark red lights. The walls were ice blue, and tapestries hung from them, each one more intricate than the last. The trim was creme, and a large window let sunlight pour through. The doors here were creme with red stripes, and I went into the hall, which had six doors. Two at the end of the hall were identical, white with yellow trim, a fluffy bed with lots of pillows, an oaken bedside table, a dresser, a closet, a full-length mirror, and a bathroom. I went into the bathrooms and they too were identical, a shower with a yellow and white curtain, a marble and oak sink and cabinets, and a regular toilet. I went into the next room,which was soft white with pink accents, and a rose printed bed with dark green pillows. The bedside table, dresser, bedframe, doors, and floor were all made of a slightly orangy wood with dark green accents. In the bathroom there was an elegant white bath with a rose printed curtain and little clawed feet, as well as an orangy wood cabinet and sink, and perched above it was a round mirror with an eleganly carved golden frame. The toilet seat had a pink carpet on it, and a red rose with a dark green stem and golden thorns was embroidered in the center. The toilet seat had a plushy thing on it. Very comfortable, Elsa thought. The walls were covered in pink tile, and the floor was covered in white tile. I smiled, knowing this room was Ana's, and also feeling a little sorry because Kristoff couldn't be here with us. He was busy with his job and couldn't attend, but he promised to watch the Olympics on TV every night. Kristoff was a good man, and I knew he treated my baby sister right. They already had a child! His name was Olaf. Thinking his name I noticed a door at a blank end of the bathroom and went through it. It led to another bathroom, but smaller and obviously for a small child like Olaf. The tiles on the floor and wall were white with an occasional orange or blue, and every blue tile had a carrot painted on it, which was odd. The bathtub was about two thirds the size of a regular bathtub, and it was ice blue with plastic faucets and knobs, yet still fully operational. The side shelves were stocked with tear free baby toiletries, courtesy of the hotel. A blue plastic mini sink with carrot scented soap and orange faucets and knobs, again with a shelf underneath. The mirror was a simple rectangle, and it seemed to be one of those push-pop-open kinds. I opened it and found it filled with childrens motrin, stomach medicine, toothpaste, baby cream, wipes, and tissues. There were two toilets, a blue plastic training potty and a mini orange toilet, with a squishy blue seat and a blue rug on the cover with a dark green, orange, and gold carrot embroidered on it. I really didnt understand what was going on with the carrots. I got the roses, Ana was a flowery gardener-type person and her favorite flower was the rose. But I dont get the carrots. There was another door, which I assume leads to Olafs room, so I go through it.

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