Chapter 8: I'd Like To See You Again

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Jack's POV;





"Hey, Elsa." I said in what I hoped was a relaxed tone, but the exitement on tasting her name on my lips may have ruined it "It's Jack."

"Jack! Hi!" She said it casually enough, but a grin broke onto my face as I realized the exited note in her voice. It was awkward and comforting at the same time to know that she was just as happy to talk to me as I was to talk to her.

"What are you up to?" I said giddily, my 'relaxed' 'mask' slipping away with every word, although I wasn't so sure it even existed in the first place

"Oh, um... I was reading a book, actually." I smiled. It seemed like she was embarrassed about reading a book, for some reason.

"I love books!" I blurted out, and cringed as I realized how stupid I sounded. "Uhh, what's it, um, called?" I choked out

I heard muffled giggles and I figured someone was with her. I blushed hard even though I knew they couldn't see me.

"Eheh, It's a story book. I'm reading it to my nephew." Great, I got laughed at by a child, I thought "It's called Ananzi. It's about a lying spider."

I chuckled. "I think I've heard of that, actually. I think my friend Hiccup reads it to his son."

"Really?" She sounded surprised "It's an old favorite of mine. I figured not many people knew about it."

"Yeah, isn't it an old African folk tale?" I smiled nostalgically. My grandfather North used to read that to me when I was young. My smile faded as I recalled the reason I had spent so much time with my grandfather.

"Mhmm..." She said, and I could tell she was suppressing a smile. I felt the corners of my own mouth tug upwards. It's pretty hard to be sad when talking to beautiful people.

"So, uh... I was uh, wondering if um, like, you would be interested in uh, c-comingtotownwithme?" my voice got higher and higher as I squeaked out the first words that came into my mind. Why did I feel like a little sixth grader with a crush? Why did all the words I had learned elude me?

A sense of pride washed over me as I could almost hear her beaming over the phone. I heard a... was it a squeal? In the background. "Sure! I'll be free around four, I think."

"Four's perfect!" I cringed. Four? It was two thirty now. How would I be able to wait a whole hour and a half to see her? Quickly I typed 'movie theaters near me' into the Google Now widget on my phone. A few across town popped up and I let out a small sigh of relief. I should have planned this out better.

"When and where did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking we could grab a coffee, and maybe go see a movie across town... And uh, go out for dinner, if you have the time?" That was a pretty long date, and pretty risky for a first, too...

"Alright! Where do you want to meet, then?" I remembered this cute little cafe called Kaffeine on Great Titchfield Street, which wasn't too far... I had driven past it on my way to the Olympics building.

"Uh, there's a place called Kaffeine near here, on Great Titchfield street. I could pick you up..." I offered

"No, it's okay. I have to run some errands before four, so I'll be out already. Thanks, though."

"Okay. So Kaffeine at four! See you then."

"Bye, Jack." My name sounded so good against her clear, warm voice.

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