Chapter 6: Pissed-Off Punzies Punt People With Pans

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Jack's POV:

As I sat in my car, I debated whether I should call Rapunzel or just go home and deal with her. After a few minutes I decided to call her and try to ease some stress off my arrival.

I call and she picks up the phone before the third note.

"JACK! Do you know how long you've been gone?! SIX HOURS! Get home right now young man!..." she goes on and on and I zone out...

The last thing I hear is "Are you even listening?!" Over the phone and a loud CRASH before I pass out, something white exploding in my face.

Maeve's POV:

I walk into the cool, dark space. But then again, it's like that everywhere here. But this room especially, because this is the Throne Room. The Underworld. The heart of the entire emporium. The Black Emporium.

Seated around the room are the Queen, The Duchess of Hell, the Countress , The Princesses Evel-Gothel, the prime Lady and her two daughters (whom no one bothered to remember the names of) , the Wretched Lady,  the first Prince, the Grand Vizier, the Govenor, Madame Zanye, and the second Prince.

The charcoal-coated Raven took her seat among them at the right hand of the Master. Her brother of sorts, the first Prince, was seated at the Master's left. Farther even to the left was the second Prince and then the Grand Vizier, the Govenor, and a smaller court of the lesser males. To her own right was the Queen and her right-hand lady, the Duchess. To the right continues the Countress, the prime Lady  (a Grotesque Daughter, the joke name secretly given to them by the Emporium, seated at either side of her, though they aren't truly worth mentioning) , the second Lady, and Madame Zanye, followed by the lesser females.

The ones she sat among were stationed in tall, ornately carved ebony thrones with obsidian silk cushions, reaching higher towards the center to show each one's rank, to create the Crown. The lessers, like the governesses, lesser governors, the lords, and lesser ladies were placed at the ends of the Crown on iron chairs of equal height with a dark silvery cushion. There we're so many lined up that they circled the entire room right up to the grand door despite the room being immensely massive. Every official in the Emporium was there to hold the special court that happened only three times every year on the holidays of Edgar. Striding across the endless space, I gazed up at the Master, who I would one day inherit the Emporium from. I shared no blood with the man seated on the black crystal throne. I had worked hard all my life to earn my seat at his right hand. I was the leader of the Nightmares. The Black Maiden. The heir. The Daughter of the Twisted.

The Raven.

Charcoal was worked deep into every inch of skin on my body. Soot coated my limbs. Ash was smothered onto my face. The ash was from the sacred Ebony tree, worn exclusively by ME, only on these special occasions. My violently red hair was freshly dyed black again, flecks of the unruly colour still managing to flash through when the light hit it just right. Dark green eyeliner encircled amber contacted eyes. The dark purple of my lips rivaled the obsidian gem at my neck. The collar of a slinky black catsuit peeled away from my skin just under my head. A fancy bodice with purple lace frills was wrapped over the catsuit, stopping underneath my breasts to accentuate them. Over my legs, the bodice flowed into a slim silk a-line skirt in dark green, black ribbons snaking their way across the shimmering thing. Though they were barely visible, sturdy new combat boots knocked against the floor that glistened with fresh blood. Blood was on her nails as well. A flashing sword hilt poked out of her skirt, a warning to anyone who planned to interrupt. Six daggers were hidden up the sleeves of her catsuit, long frilly tufts worn at the cuffs to hide them. A pistol was pushed underneath her collar, hidden underneath her hair.

But she was hardly armed. The guards at the massively tall doors had all sorts of amour and weapons on them, at least thirteen swords each, and these were only the visible ones. Everyone in that room was armed except for Madame Zanye, she knew. She was her close friend, the one who had taught her everything she knew about fistfighting, wrestling, martial arts, and gymnastics. Madame Zanye was the only one she dared to name, even in her head.

I sat down at my throne, beside the Master. And only then did the procession begin.

Jack's POV:

I woke up in the hospital. A place I recognized easily from the many injuries I got from snowboarding, of course.

The doctor peered at my face

"Are you awake, son?" I searched for my voice and couldn't find it, so I nodded.

"In case you're wondering, no, you're not hurt. Exept you're gonna have a nasty scar on your neck for a long time."

"What happened?" I asked quietly, voice coming back to me little by little.

"A head-on collision happened on the street you were parked on, barely three meters away. A piece of metal flew through your window and broke it."


"We're gonna keep you here for another hour or so, and then you can go."

"Ok. Does my girlfriend know?"

"Ms. Corona?"


"She knows. She's in the waiting room."

"Ok, thank you."

He nodded and left the room.


Two hours and one mediocre hospital meal later, they released me. Punzie nearly knocked me over and got me hospitalized again when I came into the waiting room. Immediately she started talking my ear off all the way to the car. Apparently our insurance had already towed my car away and was replacing the Windows. Punzie talked and talked about how worried she had been and how anxious she was and how angry she felt and how relieved she was when she saw me and blah blah blah...

I woke up as the bright pink car pulled into the driveway of our hotel. I stumbled out the door sleepily only to have Punzie grab my ear and drag me into our flat! The tan walls of the living room blurred by and faded into the yellow kitchen before she threw me into the white bar chair, frying pan somehow magically appearing in her hand. Golden braids whipped my face as she sat on the table in a huff and pulled me by my collar to come face to face with her blue-jeaned crotch.









I passed out for like the third time today.

Well hi.
1. Sorry for being so late. Again.
2. Did I scare you with the car crash thing?! Y'all though Jack was gonna get really hurt huh?!
3. Do y'all like Maeve? Or was that whole scene too dramatic/cheesy?
4. Did I make Master Black too obvious? What about the rest of his court?

Hugs and kisses and magical sparkly snowflakes to all y'All! I hope you had a great Christmachannukahwanza and New Years! By the way, how's 2015 going for y'all?! Mine kinda sucks so far but OH WELL.  And in case I don't write to you soon, which knowing me I probably won't, happy Valentines Day!! I hope all ur senpais notice you and kiss you and fuck you and such.

Photo: somebody please make this a meme that says IMMA SMACK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU
because that's what Punzie is saying

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