Chapter 11: First date.

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This is Aideku chapter so they will have a best date or bonding so will have fun before going to a flight to France.

Aizawa's POV

I got inside close and lock the door and sit to edge of my bed. "Love, are you okay? I'm worried about you." I said she sat up and hug me I hug back I noticed she is crying I rub her back making her calm down.

"Shouta, am I not a good girlfriend for you? Am I not deserve for you? Am I deserve to be your girlfriend?" she said crying into my chest I was shock and sad what she said I was sad for her the girl I love is happy, cheerful is sad.

"Izuku, love your the best and awesome girlfriend for me you deserve to be mine too I love you and no one will getting to our relationship." I comfort her she up me and suddenly she kisses me first I was shock but I kiss back.

I lay her at the bed still kissing her I broke the kiss for air she looks at me and she stops crying. "How about let's go out tonight. Have fun. Have dinner, go to the park, eat ice cream like a date. How's that my dear?" I ask her she smiles and nod.

"That would awesome sure, what time?" I look at my watch and it's just 2:30pm.

"6:00, let's meet outside of the parking lot at 6 the doors of the car is open so when you were there go inside of my car so no one will noticed you, okay?" I explain and she nod.

"Well have to go now to get ready for later and I want to sleep too, bye Shouta." she said opening the door.

"Bye, Izuku my love." I said then she left I can't wait for date later.

Izuku's POV

When I got to my dorm I open it and got in and lock the door I immediately lay myself on my bed I charged my phone and close my eyes soon I'll meet you again sister.

~Time skips 5:35pm~

Izuku's POV

I woke up by my alarm on my phone I canceled the alarm and check what time is it it's now 5:30 I get up I took my towel and rush to the bathroom.

After I take a shower I go to my drawer and open it I took out a black with pink flowers design above my shoulder (I guess) a white skirt a black shoulder bag a white silver heels with a strap up my ankle.

After I take a shower I go to my drawer and open it I took out a black with pink flowers design above my shoulder (I guess) a white skirt a black shoulder bag a white silver heels with a strap up my ankle

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I pick up a brush and brush my hair to the right and braid it I wear a red headband and put pink lip balm I put my purse, earphones, and my phone inside my shoulder bag I take my duplicate key of my dorm and put it in my bag too

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I pick up a brush and brush my hair to the right and braid it I wear a red headband and put pink lip balm I put my purse, earphones, and my phone inside my shoulder bag I take my duplicate key of my dorm and put it in my bag too.

I went outside close and lock my door I go to the elevator and press the ground button. The elevator went down, when I'm down here the door of the elevator opens I walk out of it I saw all of my classmates talking at the living room I go to them and talk.
"Hey guys, what are you chatting at?" Uraraka look at me.

"Were just talking about what are we wearing and where are we going when we arrived at next Monday? Oh, and where are you going, Deku? You dress beautiful like your going somewhere where are you going?" she ask me the girls look at me while the boys are I the kitchen cooking I guess.

"Oh, well um I was just going to meet someone a friend and I'll be back at 10, okay?" she nod I told them to tell the boys I'll be back at 10 they said yes and I thank them.

I got of our building and straight to the parking lot I saw Shouta's car but he wasn't there yet I open the door next to the driver sit go inside and close the door waiting for him.

After a few minutes later Shouta arrived get in the driver sit and close the door. "You beautiful today my love." he said kiss my forehead I blushed a bit he noticed and chuckled, then he started the car and drove to a restaurant.

~After dinner~

Aizawa's POV

After dinner Izuku decided to could go to the carnival and have I agree and we drove there to the carnival and we buy some tickets to get in.

"Hey Shouta what should we ride first?" she ask me I look around and saw a rollercoaster I turn my head to her. "Wanna ride the rollercoaster?" I ask her she nodded happily and pull me to the rollercoaster.

~Time skips~

Izuku's POV

After our few rides we decided to leave while were walking to the car where he park the car I saw a daily queen still open.

"Hey Shouta could I buy an ice cream please?" I beg.

"Sure my love come on let's buy an ice cream." he said we go to the ice cream we both order cookies and cream after we paid it we go back to his car and he drove off going to UA.

When we got here we say goodbye and we go back to our own dorms. When I got at our building I noticed they are all asleep I open the door and walk in then I close and lock the door I got to the elevator and press up to my floor is when got there the elevator opens and I walk out of it I go straight to my dorm opening the door using my key walk in by didn't turn on the lights I took off my heels and get into my bed then I fell asleep.

Happy you enjoy just remember keep a smile in your face forever bye. Love.

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