Chapter 49: "Mom, in love with..."

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Middle of the night

Izuk's POV

I woke up by Lily shaking me. "Mommy, mommy." she called out.

"Yes honey?" I ask.

"Big bro, I think he has a high fever. He is panting very hard like he can't breath." she explains, that shocks me so I quickly sat up making Shouta wake up. "Love, are you okay?" he ask tiredly.

"Yes. Troy. Lily said he has a high fever and he is panting very hard." I said his eyes widen up.

"I go get him so cold water, Lily go to your uncle Zero and get your brother some medicines to him Iz go check him out. Try to comfort him." he said I nod worriedly.

"Honey be careful." I said to Lily. She thumbs up and leave the room.

I rush to his room go inside to see him, his face is red and he is panting so hard while he is gripping the covers. "M-m-mom! Help me please!!" he shout.

I quickly run to him and put his head to my lap sitting down to the bed he then wrap his arms around my waist and he begin to cry.

"Honey, what's wrong you can always tell me what is it?" I said comforting him making him to calm down.

Then the door open to see Shouta has the cold water he put it down and starting to wet the towel after that he put the cold towel on Troy's forehead. He tries to struggle later ago by putting the towel in his forehead but I quickly calmed him down.

Then brother came in with Lily they have the medicines. "Here Iz, let him drink this." he said I nod.

He gave me the medicine and take it out of the wrapper I took the water in the table beside us and sat Troy slowly. "Here drink this." I said but he don't want it. "Come on dear, if you drink this I promise I'll stay here with you until morning when you wake up. So please drink it." I plead him tearing up he notice me that I'm crying so he didn't hesitate to took the medicine from me and he drink it with water.

After that he put the water to table and lay down to me again like the position later ago.

"You all go can sleep now. Brother take Lily with you please, and Shouta let's sleep now." I said the two boys both nod.

Brother and Lily left, and Shouta lay beside me while Troy is now sleeping still wrapping around my waist. Shouta put the covers over us and pull us closer to him. "Love you dear." he said kissing my lips and ruffling Troy's hair messy.

"Good night too, dear." I said and fall asleep.

In the morning

Troy's POV

I woke up with a cold towel above my forehead I take it out and sat up to see mom sitting besides me with a phone, when she notice me she putted her phone down to the bed and hugged me. "Oh, Troy your okay. I'm worried about you last. Thanks to Shouta he treat your fever every well." she said I hugged back.

"Breakfast ready!" dad shouts from the outside. "Come one let's go and you get change." mom said kissing my forehead before going out.

I stand up and go to my drawer to take clothes.

After I got dress I left my to see mom, dad, and Lily eating

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After I got dress I left my to see mom, dad, and Lily eating. "Come on Troy let's eat." dad said I walk to the table sit and eat with them.

After breakfast I decided to go to the rooftop of the school. "Mom, dad could I go to the rooftop?" I ask them, they look at each other and look back at me. "Sure Troy." dad said. "Thanks dad." I said
"It's okay dear, just be careful, okay?" mom said a bit worried I nod and leave the room and go to the rooftop.

When I arrive the at rooftop I sit at the bench and have fresh air.

"Ugh, what kind of feelings I have for the twins?"


Kyle's POV

Me and my brother decided to go to the rooftop to have a fresh air, when we got there we a boy in the bench sitting. "Hey Kyll let's go check who it is." I said he nod so we go to the boy.

When we saw he's face it was Troy Madame's nephew the boy we fell in love when we first saw him. Me and Kyll lean over and kissed his both sides of his cheeks he was surprised he was about to stand up but we wrapped our arms to him so he won't go.

We decided to fall apart from the kiss we both look at Troy who is blushing hard. "Cute."

"Why did you that?" he ask still blushing.

"Nanimo my dear, we just want to kiss you like that your too cute." Kyll said.

"I agree, you are cute sweet peach." I said.

"S-shut up I'm not cute!!" he shouted blushing and turning away.

We sit next to him Kyll's arm was around his shoulders while mine my left arm was back at him and my other hand is rubbing his thighs.

"I wish. I wish this sweetness will last forever."

Kyll's POV

We stay in that position in 3 hours when we notice that Troy is sleeping. "Kyle let's carry him back to Madame's room." I said he nod.

He put Troy back of me while he was at the back holding Troy's feet so we balance.

When we got there Kyle knocked. "Come in." Madame said from the inside.

Kyle opened the door to see Madame with the teacher from the UA and with Lily sitting on the bed playing. "Oh, Kyll, Kyle what's bring you two here?" she asks standing up.

"Well we found Troy at the rooftop so we decide to join him." I paused.

"But after 3 hours he fell asleep so we decided to bring him here." Kyle added.

"Okay thank for bringing him here lay him down here at the bed." she said.

We nod walk to the bed and lay him down to the bed and when we laid him down the teacher put the covers around him.

"We have to go now ma'am." we both said going to the door.

"Okay twins thanks for bringing him here." she said and we left the room.

4 hours later

Troy's POV

I woke up by mom waking me up. "Hi hon." she said in a polite voice.

"Mom, how did I got here?" I ask her sitting up.

"Kyll and Kyle did dear." she said smiling.

"Mom, about that. I want to tell you something." I said seriously.

"What is it honey?" she asks.

"Well mom. Mom, I'm in love with...

Kyll and Kyle."

Already finish. Sorry I really can't drag it I try and try but no use so just ignore that this chapter is in the wrong place. Bye readers.

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