The SandMan

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After losing yet another member of the group, some started to question their involvement in this expedition.

"Should I really be continuing this expedition?" asked Felix "Three people left or died, four counting Michael."

"Relax, it'll all be over soon," answered Paul.

"How soon?"

"I don't know. We'll walk around the southern part of this desert and then we'll go home. I'm not sure how long that will take."

"I don't want to stick around and get lost, like Howard."

"You're free to try and go home if you want."

And he did. Well, he tried. Because of the SandWitch's curse, no one could leave the desert alive.

With four people left (Alexandra, Paul, Thomas, and Shane), the group continued on. Eventually they came upon an empty piece of land.

"There's another object stuck in the sand!" cried Shane. "Start digging!"

But when they approached, the object started rising. It was an old shack.

"What? A shack?" Thomas exclaimed

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"What? A shack?" Thomas exclaimed. "We should probably go inside."

"'Let's go inside a shack that magically rose out of the sand! I'm sure it's not dangerous!'" Paul mimicked. "I don't think that's smart."

"Well, when you put it that way. I would say, 'Let's explore a mysterious object that might be the answer to our questions!'"

"How about you go in, and we'll wait outside."


But he never got in. For, when he touched it, a huge "sand-hand" grabbed him and strangled him. Once Thomas was dead, the rest of the SandMan's body rose out of the sand.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH! KILL IT!" screamed Shane.

He grabbed his shovel and tried to kill the SandMan. He didn't know how that would work, but he panicked. After some time dodging and hitting the sand monster, Paul joined him. They lasted only a minute because, eventually, Shane tired and didn't manage to dodge. The SandMan grabbed him, and he suffered the same fate as Thomas. Even after losing Shane, Paul continued.

"Stop it!" screamed Alexandra. "Can't you see you're not affecting it?"

"Do you have a better idea?" Paul answered.

"Yes! Didn't Shane say this was a water staff?" She lifted the staff so Paul could see. "I doubt this monster can attack us effectively when he's made of wet sand!"

"Does that staff even work?"

"Only one way to find out!"

Alexandra pointed the staff at the SandMan and though about what she wanted, to spray the horrible giant.

"It's not working!" she screamed.

But, just as she was about to give up, a blast of water hit the SandMan right in the chest. It slowly sank down. And a few seconds later, it was reduced to a pile of mush.

"We did it!" Alexandra exclaimed.

"Yeah," Paul answered. "For once I'll admit you did something useful," he added later.

"What? I didn't hear."

"I'll admit, you were useful, for once."

"Thank you. Now, should we enter the shack?"

"I guess."

They approached the old shack and entered.

"I see you made it past my guard," a strange voice told them. "Well, you won't make it past me!"

The SandWitch (SevenWitches: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now