Chapter One ~ The Contest

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  • Dedicated to My cousin, Clare, I miss you!

"Thank you come again." I said the same words for the ten millionth time that day. "I can't believe you talked me into this Alexis." I told my friend.                                                                                             

"Oh come one, it's not that bad. It's actually pretty fun after a while." Alexis Andrews replied, "At least you have a job and you aren't at summer school like poor Macy."

"Yeah, whatever, at least Macy is away from us though." I rolled her eyes, and thought about 'poor Macy', Macy Turner was actually the richest girl at Hoover High School, my high school. She was in summer school because she had fallen behind the past semester and her parents were worried she wasn't being taught enough, when in fact, Macy was at fault for texting and hanging out with her smug little friends instead of studying. 

"Welcome to Valentine's Cupcakes! How may I help you?" Alexis asked the two girls who had just walked in, "Oh, hey guys, what's up?" The two girls who had just walked in were two of our friends. The sisters, Valerie, and Kat Temple.

"Nothing much, we were just walking by and thought we'd stop by and see what was going on." Kat told Alexis, "Nothing much here either, sorry." Alexis said, giving her signature pout-y look.

"Oh!" Valerie shrieked, "I do have some news!"

"Spill!" Me, Alexis and Kat shouted at the same time, earning some questioning looks from costumers sitting in the near by tables.

"Oops..." I muttered, "Our bad."

"Okay, well, anyway, so I was window shopping the other day, when I saw this new store they built in the mall, it was called 'Everything Nice' it was really cool and had the most prettiest dress in the window!" Valerie said,

"Okay, whatever about the dress, what was so interesting?!" Alexis almost started shouting again, but held it in.

"Fine," Valerie said, unhappy about not being able to share the fashion details, "So I walked in, and since they are a new store, they were having a contest to promote the business......" Valerie let her last words hang in the air, building up her friends' curiosity.

"Come on! Tell us what you heard!" Alexis said, impatiently tapping her three inch high heels on the tile floor.

"Okay, okay! I asked a sales girl what the contest prize was, and said that the winner wins a trip to travel with One Direction on tour! The deadline to enter is next week, they pick the winner on August 24!" Valerie said, practically shrieking with glee.

"To travel on tour with One Direction?!" Alexis almost fainted. "Okay, so big deal! The odds of one of us winning are like, one in ten million! Besides, I wouldn't even want to!" I said logically,

"You know Diana, sometimes I wonder if you're from another planet. How could you not want to go on tour with One Direction?!" Alexis rolled her eyes at me.

"All you'd do is hang out with five guys you don't even know. You guys enter without me, I'm out." I told them. A group of costumers came in; cutting off any argument Alexis was going to start. "See you guys at the mall, five o'clock good?" I asked, and then turned to the costumers smiled, and said, "Welcome to Valentine's Cupcakes! How may I help you?"

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