Chapter Twelve ~ The Start Of An Irish Confession?

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"Are you tired, love?" Harry's voice sounded distant and faraway, and my eyelids felt heavy as I opened them and glanced up at him.

"Just a little..." I replied, stifling a yawn and trying to keep my eyes open as we watched Disney's Brave.The rest of the boys piled along the other half of the couch, all focused on the movie.

"You don't have to stay up if you're tired..."He told me, I shook my head and leaned against his shoulder,

"I'm fine, I can stay awake. Besides, the movie is almost over anyway." I assured him, he nodded,

"If you say so, babe." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and focused on the movie, but my will to stay awake was fading fast and before I knew it. I was off in La-La Land, the last thing I remember before giving into sleep was a slight chuckle from Harry.


"Now isn't that adorable?" Louis' voice woke me up and I opened my eyes slowly,

"Huh?" I asked groggily, blinking my eyes to adjust to the bright light in the room. The boys all laughed at my confusion, all except Niall, who was unusually quiet and sullen.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, stirring beside me.

"Some inside joke the boys have." I pouted, looking up at him. We had fallen asleep last night on the couch in the living room, the morning sun shining in from the giant windows all around shone through his curls, giving him a sort of angelic halo-look all around. I shook my head, what was I thinking?

"You okay, love?" Harry's question brought me from my thoughts and I nodded,

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I smiled and sat upright, "Who's in for breakfast?" Five 'me!'s answered my question and I laughed, "Let's go!" I hopped off the couch and brushed a loose strand of hair from my face, as I walked towards the kitchen a hand caught mine and I turned back.

"Um, Dee..." Niall said nervously, I smiled.

"Hey Niall, what's up?" I asked, he let go of my hand and fiddled with his fingers.

"Well...I sort of have something I need to tell yo-"

"Dee! Are you coming?!" Harry's voice cut Niall off as he came up behind me, sliding an arm around my waist. "What's wrong?" He asked, glancing at Niall. Niall's face grew hard and his lively blue eyes turned stony.

"Nothing." He said curtly, "I'll talk to you later, Diana." He then turned and walked away, "I'm going out." He hollered over his shoulder. Harry looked at me in confusion,

"What just happened?" He asked, I shrugged and frowned slightly.

"I haven't the slightest idea...he seemed upset about something though." I replied, tilting my head up and looking at my curly haired lad. He smiled at me and leaned down, lightly planting a kiss on my lips, I grinned and returned the kiss.

"GUYS! Are you coming?! We're hungry in here!" Louis' voice called out from the kitchen, I laughed lightly and pulled away.

"C'mon, let's go feed 'em." I smiled, taking his hand in my own. He laughed and walked with me to the kitchen, where we were greeted by the sight of Zayn attempting to make waffles.

"Zayn! That's the forth waffle you've burned already!" Liam complained, giving Zayn a look as he tossed a very black waffle in the wastebasket.

"Not my fault!" Zayn shrugged, turning to Harry and I, "The toaster isn't working, Harry." Harry shook his head and walked over to Zayn,

"That's because I have it on 'bagel', duh." Harry turned the dial on the toaster back to 'frozen' and popped another waffle in the toaster.

"Thanks." Zayn mumbled, Liam snickered and Zayn shot him a death glare.

"Where are the plates?" Zayn asked,

"You guys are hopeless." Louis stated, looking in the pantry "Hazza, where are the biscuits?!"

"Why did Niall leave?" Liam asked, pouring a glass of orange juice.

"Hold on, hold on." Harry said quickly, silencing anymore questions or requests. "Zayn? The plates are on the top shelf in the right cabinet. Lou, the biscuits are on the counter. And Liam...I have no idea, he was upset about something though." He nodded, "Anything else?" The rest of the lads all shook their heads, Zayn focused on his toast, Louis went and got his biscuits, and Liam sat thoughtfully at the table drinking his OJ. Harry turned to me, "How about eggs for breakfast?" He asked, a smile spreading across his lips.

"I'll get the eggs," I offered, walking to the fridge.

"Thanks, babe." Harry smiled, turning the stove on and placing a pan over the burner. I grabbed the egg container and passed it to Harry, who removed two eggs and cracked them over a seprate bowl.

He said, starting to whisk the eggs in the bowl, "Scrambled?" I nodded,


"My favorite." He grinned, picking up the salt shaker and shaking a bit of salt into the bowl, then he poured the egg-mixture onto the pan.

It sizzled with the sudden combination of liquid against the hot surface, and I watched as Harry shoveled the eggs around with a spatula. "Can you get a plate, babe?" He asked, I nodded and grabbed a plate from the top shelf, "Thanks." He slide the eggs from the pan and onto the plate.

"They look delicious, Haz." I told him, he grinned proudly.

"Let's see about that..." He passed me a fork and took a seat in a kitchen chair, pulling my onto his lap. I smiled happily and took my fork.

"Well...if you insist..." I grinned, he winked back and forked a bite of eggs. Then he lifted it to my face and hovered it in front of my lips,

"Oh but I do." He replied playfully, and lightly tapped the fork to my lips, I giggled and took the bite from the fork.

"Delicious." I reported, swallowing the bite and nodding sharply. Then I forked a bite with my own fork and put it to his mouth, "Your turn!" His eyes shone playfully and he took the bite, then made a thinking face as he chewed. I giggled and nudged him with my shoulder, "Well? What do you think?" He swallowed and nodded,

"They are quite good," Then he winked and added, "if I may say so myself." I laughed and the rest of breakfast was spent popping food into each others mouths.




I know this is short...I apologize profusely! I haven't been able to work of late, and with the school year starting up again (Bleh.)...I'll be quite busy. But I do promise to update more often!

I'll try and make the next update a bit longer, loves!

Anyway, vote~comment~fan! Tell me what you think, I love reading your opinions!




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