Chapter Three ~ Sleepover Party!

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My alarm clock went off at six o'clock exactly. I hit the snooze button and rolled out of bed. Then I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and ran down the stairs to eat breakfast. Aunt Georgia had fruit salad and granola cereal ready to eat.

 "Good morning!" I said happily.

 "Good morning dear, you certainly look happy, considering that today is your first day back in school," Aunt Georgia said teasingly, "I packed you a special lunch."

 "To tell the truth, I'm actually looking forward to school!" I laughed, as I ate some salad and cereal.

 "Ready?" Uncle Paul asked walking into the room.

"I sure am!" I replied, putting my dishes into the sink, "Just let me wash my dishes."

"Oh Diana, don't worry about that today." Aunt Georgia said, handing me my lunch and shooing me and Uncle Paul out the door, "You need to get to school! Have a nice day!" Uncle Paul and I listened to the radio and talked until we reached Hoover High School.

"Thanks for the ride Uncle Paul!" I said, hopping out of the car,

 "No problem Diana, see you later, do you need a ride home?" He asked,

 "No thanks. I'll walk, I'm fine." I waved 'good-bye', then I turned and walked into the doors of my school and muttered, "Hello again...." I walked down to the gym and picked up my locker number, class schedule, and student ID. As I headed toward my homeroom, I noticed a crowd standing around the school bulletin board. I walked over to stand with Kat and Valerie,

 "What's going on?" I asked craning my neck to see the board, Valerie rolled her eyes and said,

"It seems like the whole school knows about the contest. Smug little Macy decided to post it on the bulletin board." I had to laugh,

"Now your chances of winning, I'm afraid to tell you; have been reduced to zero. Every girl in the school will be entering!"

 "Yeah, now you don't have to worry about winning." Alexis said, walking over. My smile disappeared,

 "You know what Alexis? You shouldn't have entered me in that stupid contest anyway. Some friend you are. And you still have the nerve to come over here all sulky and say 'Now you don't have to worry about winning'?! Your know what? I'm just going to go to class before I say something I will regret." I marched off, leaving a dropped jawed Alexis staring at me.


School seemed to be starting off with a good start. I had the delicious lunch Aunt Georgia had packed for me, I was pretty sure that I had passed the math review test my teacher had thrown on us. Even though I was still sort of mad at Alexis, I couldn't ignore her. Or her texts during last period.

August 21 at 3:22pm Geturswaggeron wrote:

Hey, please don't be mad @ me! Diana?

3:23pm Im2die4 wrote:

I'm not mad, just upset.

3:24pm Geturswaggeron wrote:

Same thing, mad and upset not much difference, come over for a sleepover after school? Please? Kat and Val will be there.

I smiled; Alexis knew I couldn't resist a group sleepover.

3:26pm Im2die4 wrote:

Fine, you got me :) Now stop texting me or we will get busted!

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