Chapter Ten ~ A Trip To Town

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The headlights on my motorcycle sliced through the night, as we raced down the road, heading for town. I saw Harry ahead of me, I smiled and pushed the pedal down, as I zoomed past him I winked and waved. He grinned, his smile lit up the night, and we raced he rest of the way until we reached the outskirts of town. Harry slowed down, and so did I, we drove in at a decently even speed, and spotted Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall's motorcycles parked in an alley. "Follow me." Harry said, and we parked about fifty feet away from where the other boys had.

"Where do we put our stuff?" I asked, taking off my jacket, gloves, and helmet.

"I'll put it under my seat, there's a compartment there." Harry said, taking our gear and placing it in the compartment, "Let's go." He took my hand and we stealthy made our way toward the other motorcycles. We were about halfway there, when a door opened and laughter floated through the air toward us. Harry pulled me with him behind a corner and the boys walked out,

"Oh Niall! You shouldn't have eaten so much!" Liam's voice said,

"I'm fine! In fact, I could eat a whole plate of Nando's!" Niall boasted,

"Guys, I heard there's a party going on down the street, wanna check it out?" Louis suggested,

"Sounds like fun!" Zayn said,

"Okay, but I still think we should have at least left Harry and Diana a note. They could be wondering where we are!" Liam said,

"Yeah, well I think their doing just fine." Niall said, his mood turning suddenly sour.

"What is it Niall? You got a thing for Diana?" Liam teased, playfully punching Niall in the shoulder,

"What? No, of course not! Why would you say that?" Niall snapped back, I looked at Harry in confusion and he returned me gaze,

'What's up with him?' I mouthed,

'I have no idea!' Harry mouthed back,

"Cool it Niall, Liam was only joking!" Louis said,

"Well it wasn't a very funny joke! Your a bad joker, you know that Liam?!" Niall said, his voice was cold and angry.

"Okay, I'm sorry Niall, I didn't mean to upset you." Liam said sincerely, Niall's expression softened,

"I'm sorry to Liam, I didn't mean to, I'm just a little frustrated. How about that party Lou?" Niall sighed,

"Okay then guys, let's go!" Louis said, the boys all set off down the street, passing the corner Harry and I were located.

"What was all that about? Niall was all like, upset." I said, Harry shook his head in confusion,

"I have no idea! It was like...." He trailed off,

"Like what?" I prompted,

"It's nothing, just a thought." He said, shaking his head again, his curls bouncing.

"Come on Harry, tell me!" I begged,

"I just thought, well, it was like he really did have a thing for you!" He burst out, looking into my eyes with concern. I was shocked, Niall have a crush on me? No way.

"That's crazy Harry!" I said, he shrugged, and then it hit me. "Harry? Are you, jealous?" I asked, then I started laughing.

"It's not funny!" He pouted, "Do you like him back?"

I stood on tip-toes and kissed him lightly on his lips, "I already have you."

He smiled and pulled me close, "I love you Diana." He whispered,

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