Chapter Eleven ~ A Race Home

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I shivered as we stepped out of the restaurant, and into the cool, crisp fall air outside. "Are you cold?" Harry asked, spinning me towards him and enveloping me in his arms. I giggled and ducked out of his grip as he leaned in to kiss me, "Hey!" He pouted,

"Hey yourself!" I teased, skipping ahead of him and darting behind a tree.

"Diana!" He called, sneaking up on the tree, I peeked out at him and wrinkled my nose playfully. He laughed and I hid behind the tree again, I was about to peek out at him again, when he popped up in front of me and pulled me towards him. Pressing his lips against mine.

"Sneak." I murmured, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"That's me." He replied, his arms around my waist. I laughed and he slowly pulled away and lightly tipped his forehead against mine, "I love you." He said, looking deeply into my eyes.

"I love you, too." I replied, tiltling my head up and brushing my lips against his, he smiled and pulled me closer. Our lips were just centimeters apart, when a loud roaring noise broke the silence of the evening and four motorcycles sped down the quiet street. Harry reacted quicker then I did and pulled me behind the tree.

"Niall! Your going to fast!" Louis shouted,

"Your going to slow!" Niall retorted, putting on a burst of speed and zooming out of sight around the corner. Louis and the rest of the boys followed him and Harry loosened his grip on my shoulders.

"What was that about?" I asked, slightly shaken by the sudden noise.

"Apparently they're going somewhere.." Harry mused, and it hit us at the same time.

"What if they're going home?!" I said,

"My thoughts exactly." He replied grimly. "Come on love, let's go." He took my hand and we headed for the alley our motorcycles were parked in.


"If they're going home, there's no way we're gonna make it there before them!" I shouted over the roar of our motorcycles.

"Oh they're going home all right. And I know a short cut." Harry yelled back, then he motioned for me to pull over. As I stopped my motorcycle on the side of the road, Harry did the same.

"What's up? We're wasting time!" I said,

"We're taking a short cut, hide your motorcycle in the grass. We'll only need one and we can come back later." Harry said, pointing to the tall grass lining the road.

"Okay." I said, helping him to push the motorcycle into the grass. Then we both hopped on his, me in the back and him in the front.

"Here we go." He said, "Hold on tight, this is going to get bumpy." I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and he hit the gas. I gasped and shrieked, he was going really fast. "Are you okay?" He asked,

"Yeah, I just didn't expect us to go that fast!" I replied, he laughed. Then did something I didn't expect, he seemed to be doing the unexpected lately...but this one really caught me off guard. He twisted the handlebars and the motorcycle jerked off the road and we were air born for a few seconds, I screamed and buried my face in Harry's shoulder, he said something, but his words were lost in the wind. And then we hit the ground and the impact was huge, I bounced in my seat and closed my eyes. "How much longer? This is insane!" I said.

"Not much! We're almost there!" He laughed, I gritted my teeth as we bounced yet again. This better be worth it. Then Harry hit the breaks and we came to a skittering stop in front of the garage. He turned around and smiled, "See? We're home!" Then he hit a button and the garage door opened silently. Harry parked the motorcycle neatly in line,

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