Our New Daughter Chapter 1

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Shadow and Bliss were deeply in love with each other and decided to start a family. Shadow asked her to marry her and she said yes.

They got married, went on their honeymoon and came back home with Bliss pregnant.

9 months later, Shadow took her to the hospital because it was time to delivery the baby.

They were in the hospital room and Bliss was feeling really nervous and was in deep pain. Shadow held her hand incase she needed support.

"I'm scared Shadow."

"Don't worry baby. You can do this. You're strong and brave in my eyes. You'll do great. I believe in you."

"Thanks Shadow."

"You're welcome." A few hours later after that horrible pain, they finally heard a baby's cry. Bliss was panting like crazy as the baby cries.

"It's a girl." The doctor said. Shadow looked at you with a smile.

"You did it baby." Bliss smiled weakly as she slowly starts falling asleep.

Shadow slowly lets go of her hand and looks at her for a bit until the doctors came in with a clean, healthy baby.

"Would you like to hold her?" The doctor asked.

"Yes please." Shadow said as the doctor gave her to him.

Shadow looked at his new daughter. She was a pink hedgehog with black stripes and pink eyes. She has three front quills with black tips just like the back of her quills.

Shadow smiled as he looked at her. She looked just like her mother except with the extra color of course. Shadow looked at Bliss and saw that she was still sleeping.

He decided to put the baby in the crib which was next to Bliss, making her fall asleep. The doctor watched and said,

"What are you going to name her?"

"I think we'll figure it out tomorrow. They need some rest."

"I understand. We'll see you tomorrow Shadow." Shadow nodded and left the hospital. The next day,  Shadow came back and saw his beautiful wife awake.

"Morning beautiful."

"Hey Shadow." Shadow walked towards them and grabbed a chair to sit down next to them. The baby was sleeping in Bliss' arms which makes Shadow smile.

"What should we name her?" Shadow asked.

"I was thinking Luna."

"I love it." Bliss smiled and kissed Shadow while he kissed back. Later, Bliss was able to go home so they grabbed Luna and left the hospital.

"I can't wait to see my little angel grow." Bliss said.

"She'll grow up to be as beautiful as her mother." Shadow said as Bliss smiled. When they got home, they decided to take some family pictures.

They sat down with Luna and took a couple of photos of her. Once they were done, they looked at her with love as she was making cute baby noises.

"I love you both so much." Bliss said.

"We love you too Bliss." They both kissed gently, happy to finally have a happy family.

Later that night when everyone was asleep, something covered Bliss' mouth which woke her up and then she suddenly disappeared.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Bliss: Where am I?
Shadow: Blaze I need your help.
Shadow: We're wasting time!

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 2. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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