I Wish You Were Here Chapter 15

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The next day, Shadow has been looking at old photos of him and Bliss. He missed her so much and he really wanted her to be in his arms again.

"I wish you were here Bliss. I miss you so much. I need you in my life again. I wish I could of saved you sooner. I just want you to come back." Shadow started to have a flashback.

*Flashback* Teenage Shadow was sleeping in class because he didn't really care about the lesson. Teenage Sonic was laughing quietly as he poured some glue on his hand.

When he finished, the bell ranged and everyone left the classroom except for Teenage Shadow who was still sleeping.

Teenage Bliss came back to grab her things when suddenly, she saw teenage Shadow sleeping. She walked towards him and quickly grabbed his hand to help him up.

"Come on Shadow. Class is over."

"Hmm?" Teenage Shadow woke up and saw teenage Bliss helping him up.

"Thanks. I'm up."

"Ok." When teenage Bliss tried to leave, she was pulled back towards teenage Shadow which made him stumble a little.


"You can let go now."

"I'm trying." They both tried to pull their hands away but they were stuck together.

"What did you do!?" Teenage Shadow yelled.

"I didn't do anything. I swear!" They continued to try and pull away but then they heard teenage Sonic laughing.

"You did this!" Teenage Shadow yelled.

"Just wanted to bring you two closer." Through out the whole day, they had to walk to each class together because of the situation but soon the glue started to wear off and they were finally free.

"Well...um...I'll see you later Shadow."

"O-Ok." She smiled a little as she walked home.

*Flashback ended* Shadow sighed as he kept looking at pictures.

Here's a sneak peek of the next Chapter:
Luna: W-What?
Thunder: That's not true.
Solar: Oh boy.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 16. Have a nice day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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