Chapter 17 - "I promise I won't leave."

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A plinking sound made Haley frown in her half asleep, half awake state. Rolling over, she opened her eyes trying to decipher where the sound had come from. It came again and the frown deepened.

Eventually, once her thoughts had straightened out, she clambered out of her bed and went to her balcony. Pulling back the curtain, she found Jace standing in his doorway. In his hand was a bag of M&Ms and the source of the noise. Smiling, he threw another piece of candy, adding to the collection.

Sleepily, she opened the door and leaned against the frame.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I wanted to be the one that woke you up at least once." He raised the bag. "I also wasn't in possession of a hacky sack."

"Are you admitting to the fact that you woke up before me just so you could be the one to wake me up?"

He shrugged. "Possibly."

Haley couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Jace frowned at it mockingly.

"Careful, Haley Day. That smile might make me think that you mildly tolerate me."

"Well, don't get a swelled head, I only barely tolerate you."

Laughing, Jace popped an M&M into his mouth and turned back to his room.

"Jace," Haley said.

He looked at her expectantly.

"Put on a shirt."

In response, he flexed every muscle in his torso and arms. 

"Now why would I do that?" he smirked.

Fighting back a laugh, Haley closed her curtains and got ready for the day. The house was oddly silent as she stepped out of her room. Cautious of what she would find, she made her way to the kitchen. Instead of discovering her parents drinking coffee and ignoring each other as she expected, she found her mother alone. The coffee was gurgling and the strong scent filled the room. As Haley walked over to grab a cup, her mother looked up from her phone.

"Hi, honey," she said. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine. Where's dad?"

Haley didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but her mother turned away from her, reaching for the coffee pot.

"He left early for work," she said, her back to Haley.

For a brief moment, Haley felt all her questions bubbling up to the surface, ready to explode into the air. But she managed to swallow down the torrent of words, stifling the emotions that occupied them. When her mother faced her again, there was a smile on her lips.

"So," she said, "April has a daughter that goes to school with you." Something other than worry and stress brightened her mother's eyes. "She said that prom is coming up soon."

Haley took a second to respond, her mind having a hard time shifting from the chaos of her thoughts to the simplicity of high school.

"Yeah, it's in three weeks."

"I know that you would have done this with Lettie," her mother said, something hesitant in her voice. "But since she can't be here, I was wondering if you wanted me to take you dress shopping?"

The question stumped Haley. She hadn't planned on going and she hadn't even thought about her mother wanting to be part of the prom process. Her rejection was on the tip of her lips but was halted at the smile her mother wore. It was hopeful.

"I hadn't planned on going to prom," Haley said, she glanced at the ground. "I haven't been asked and I don't think I will be."

"You don't need a date to go to prom, sweetie. A girl can be strong and independent even going to prom."

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