Chapter 32 - "I think you'd look good in anything."

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The campus was empty as Haley and Jace made their way to the parking lot. The day's work had been tiring but satisfying, their booth only a couple steps away from completion. Outside the school gates, Haley paused at the patch of grass. Jace turned back to her when he realized she had stopped walking.

"My mom is going to pick me up," she said. At his confused expression, she went on. "We're going prom dress shopping."

"I might be wrong, but doesn't one buy a dress when one is planning to attend prom?"

Haley swung her arms, nodding once. "You would be correct."

Smirking, Jace took a step towards her. "Does this mean the solitary Haley Day is going to prom?"

Haley shoved his shoulder, though the action had little effect on him.

"Shut up. It's not that shocking."

"Oh but it is." He crossed his arms, his taunting manner falling away. "What are you going to get?"

"You ask that like you know anything about prom dresses."

Jace pointed to himself. "Ten female cousins, Haley Day. Ten."

"Okay, so maybe you know something." She gave a helpless shrug. "And I don't know I figured I would go and see what they had."

"You should go with something short."

She smacked his arm and he laughed.

"I'm not parading my legs around."

"I was saying that because all my cousins who went with full length complained that it was hard to dance and sometimes walk in. Seriously, you are an abusive woman. I'm only trying to help."

Before she could hit him again, Jace skipped a few steps away.

"Also don't go with strapless," he said, walking backward. "They say the bras are super uncomfortable and they always had a fear that something would slip."

Haley buried her face in her hands.

"Just go away, Jace."

"Have fun!" he called out. "And avoid the color red, only a few people can really pull it off."

When she raised her head, he had his helmet lifted in salute. As he drove off, Haley took cover under the cluster of trees and settled down on the grass. The parking lot was empty, teachers have long ago left for relaxing drinks and mountains of work to grade. Haley was pulling out her phone when a familiar figure caught her eye.

Crossing the road towards the school was Isaac, with Cal right beside him. Isaac had changed from his outfit for the day into a pair of running shorts and sneakers. As they were cutting through the parking lot, he spotted Haley and redirected his steps, stopping a few feet from her. In the late afternoon sunshine, his blonde hair looked golden and she realized he was more tan than she remembered.

"Hey, what are you still doing here," he asked, holding Cal's leash taut, keeping the puppy from charging her.

"Waiting for my mom," she said, trying not to let his appearance fluster her. "We're going dress shopping for prom."

"Really?" He smiled, excitement filling his blue eyes. "That means you're going then?"

Haley nodded, forcing herself to stare only at his face. For Isaac's part, he acted as if he wasn't at all conscious about the fact that he was shirtless. Like he found nothing impressive about his fit state and so it merited no thought. But Haley felt differently on the subject and was wishing he had bared the heat and worn a shirt. Especially since she had to look up at him.

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