Chapter 37 - "Is this where I get a free kiss?"

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Haley and Isaac split ways, sharing smiles and looks as they went. When Haley could no longer see him, she bit her lip trying to rein in the giddiness bouncing around inside her. At the kissing booth, she found Jace and Josie already nestled inside, leaning against the opposite posts. Josie was holding up a tube of lipstick.

"What are the chances I'll go through this whole thing tonight?" she asked.

Haley stationed herself with them, half-listening as she gazed about. Due to the overhead lighting, the fair had an old fashion magic quality to it. Part of her expected to see couples arriving in 1950s outfits arm linked together.

"I would guess very high," Jace answered. "What guy wouldn't want your lips marked on his cheek?"

Josie replied with a cheeky smile and Jace's response was a flirtatious wink. As eight o'clock neared Rachel made the rounds checking to see if people were aware of their duties. She also reminded everyone that the fair would wrap up around twelve and tear down would take over an hour.

The sun melted away and the lights overhead burned brighter as if stealing the sun's glory. Seniors trickled in at first then arrived in larger droves crowding the booths, snapping photos and cheering when they were victorious with a game.

Haley was kept busy taking photos. At first, there was only a line of girls. Each time they stepped up, they wrapped their arms around Jace's neck and grinned as he planted a kiss on their cheek, his arms encasing their waist. They left with a wink from Jace and bright red cheeks.

When the mass of females had dwindled, a guy with broad shoulders and a swagger approached the booth. Jace looked the guy up and down, something like a warning in his eyes. Josie smiled at the senior.

"Is this where I get a free kiss?" he said, a crooked smile coming into play.

"On the cheek, yes," Josie said.

Sticking his hands into his pockets, the guy leaned forward.

"How about on the lips?" he said. "I might be able to give you some tips to improve your job."

Haley noticed as Jace folded his arms and clenched his fist, holding in his thoughts. Josie's smile took on an edge, like a shining knife.

"It's on the cheek or a kick to the groin, your decision," she said, her voice deceptively cheery.

Haley stifled a laugh and Jace's lips curled. Swallowing, the guy straightened.

"I'm good," he said, sauntering off.

When he had been sucked into the crowd, Haley let out her laugh. Josie smirked.

"There's a reason Rachel asked me to work this booth," she said.

Haley snorted. "I can see why."

As the night wore on the line of girls and boys ebbed and flowed. Towards the middle, Matt arrived and Haley took a couple of minutes to point out which booths she had a hand in building. With each booth, she told him one funny anecdote that made him smile. When she finished, Matt captured a picture of them in front of one of her booths, stealing a memory for the night. A group of his friends found him and Haley was happy to let Matt be whisked away to create other moments.

In the later part of the fair, the focus seemed to center more on the food trucks and the lanes thinned. Josie took the lull as a chance to take a break, asking Haley to just stand in her spot. Accepting, Haley joined Jace inside the booth. Isaac hadn't managed to stop by but Haley figured he had been kept busy. With the dip in crowds, she wondered if he would make it over. As she stood tucked into the booth's shelter, her eyes wandered over the remaining groups.

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