02: I'm Notorious

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02: I'm Notorious

I roll my eyes. "Max, I swear to God, if you don't leave me the hell alone, I'm going to punch you," I shout, walking to the other side of the physics room.

"Wow, punch me and then have sex with me. That's hot," he says with a smirk.

Max is hot, and I mean really hot. He is tall and muscular. He has light, hazel eyes and tan skin. He shaves his head, but it looks like he hasn't in a week or so, since he has light brown fuzz starting to grow again.

"Yo, man, leave her alone or her brother will kill you," Max's friend says.

Max rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "I'm not scared of him,” he says profoundly.

His friend scoffs and then looks at me. "How is Andy?" he asks with a smile, obviously trying to suck up to me.

I smile and sit in my seat. "He's good. He's on parole."

Max's friend smirks at him. "Told you."

"Please. My dad's in jail," Max says, trying to sound cool or whatever. It really wasn't something to be proud of, well in my opinion.

"I don't even know where my dad is. He could be dead for all I know," I tell him.

I smile. I won. I always win.

Max groans and walks away, leaving his friend laughing. "Hey, I'm Aston." He sticks out his hand and I take it.

"AJ," I tell him with a smile.

He smiles and sits in the stool next to me. "I know who you are," he tells me.

I look at him, a little confused. "Do I know you?"

He shakes his head. "No; we've just had classes together pretty much every year."

I stare at him. Every year? I would have surely recognized him. I mean, he's adorable. He isn’t too tall but a good height. Brown eyes and short brown hair covered by his beanie. He is dark skinned and muscular. He has not been in any of my classes before. It's impossible. I would've befriended him or at least talked to him.

He smiles and laughs. He obviously recognizes my look of confusion. "I'm kidding," he says. "I just moved here this year and I'm not even in this class."

"Then why are you here?" I ask curiously.

"She never notices anything. I come and sit in here almost every single day and nothing. She even hands me work,” he tells me, shaking his head.

I laugh. “She is kind of oblivious.”

“Kind of?” He scoffs. “I had her last period and she knows I’m in that class. She yells at me all the time, yet she doesn’t know I’m not in this class.”

“Okay, maybe she’s very oblivious to everything…”

“Very much so,” he said with a smile. “So, AJ, are you really as popular as everybody says you are?” he asks. “Rumor has it, everyone knows your name, and not for a good reason.”

I shrug. “Only because of my brother.”

“So you’re just the innocent little sister of a criminal brother?” he asks.

“I’ve had my share of fights,” I say. “I just don’t take shit from people, ya know?”

He nods. “That’s why I was kicked out of my old school.”

I gasp. “Really? You don’t look like the fighting type.”

He laughs. “Not anymore. My parents thought sending me to a posh school would change me. I just stay out of trouble to get my parents off my ass.”

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