03: Just Put Your Hands on Me

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03: Just Put Your Hands on Me

"Are you sure you don't want to go out to eat or anything?" Zayn asks as we pull into his complex.

"Yes, I'm sure," I tell him for about the billionth time.

He sighs and parks his car. "We can go to see a movie or something," he suggests.

"No, Zayn," I whine. "I just want to be with you."

"AJ, we can still be together somewhere else," he says, smiling at me.

"No, there will be other people and what happens if we run into my mother? She would kill me," I tell him.

"We can go out of town and then we can come back here. Plus, I'm hungry and I don't have food upstairs," he says.

I look at my phone for the time. "Fine, but Andy is getting me at seven, and it's almost three now."

He grins and leans over to kiss my cheek. "Where do you want to go?"

I smile at his expression. "Where ever you want to go."

He nods and starts the car again. He starts driving, and I have no idea where he's going. I stare out the window as he drives. The scenery starts to become unfamiliar.

I look over at him and he smiles. "I told you I was taking you out of town."

"How far out of town?" I ask. "I don't recognize any of this..."

He chuckles. "I know this place near the city. They have good food. My friend Niall told me about it," he explains.

"Is he the one who eats a lot?" I ask.

He laughs and nods. "Yeah, that little leprechaun can eat you and me."

I smile. "I wanna meet him one day," I tell him.

He looks over at me. "One of these days," he says.

I lean back in my seat, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Sounds like a plan."

He looks back at the road and continues driving to God knows where. About a half hour later, we arrive at some Italian restaurant.

We walk in and we are immediately seated. Zayn orders us a pizza as the waitress flirts with him.

I sat there, intensely staring at my lap, trying to avoid the situation. He isn't flirting back, but she won't stop.

"And what can I get you to drink, cutie?" She asks as she bats her eyelashes at him.

"I'll have a Coke and AJ..." Zayn trails off and looks at me. I look up at him and he winks at me. "And my girlfriend here will have the same. That okay with you, babe?" he asks.

I smile. "That would be lovely."

The waitress scowls and writes down our drink orders. "Anything else?" she asks bitterly.

I smile at her, almost sarcastically. "Could you put a lemon in mine, please?"

She rolls her eyes and nods. She avoids eye contact and then walks off.

Zayn plays with his cutlery as he stares at the table. "Sorry about that," he says quietly.

I smile at him and he looks up, staring into my eyes. "It's okay. I'm use to it."

He shakes his head and stands.

I look at him curiously. "What are you-"

Before I can finish, he walks over and moves to sit next to me in the booth. I scoot over so that he fits and doesn't fall off the seat. The seat isn't that big. It really is only for one person, but I don't mind sharing.

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