06: Sad Beautiful Tragic

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06: Sad Beautiful Tragic

“I told you he wasn’t good for you. He is a lowlife, Annie. He wasn’t going anywhere.”

I take a deep breath. I am sick of hearing I told you so. It's all I have been hearing all weekend form her.

I told you he wasn't good. I told you he was going to break your heart. You're lucky he didn't try to hurt you! He's a dangerous boy. Why you ever dated him just blows my mind. I’m glad that you’re not with him anymore. I would sit up at night and worry about you.

“Okay. I get it. Now, can I please go? If I don’t leave now I’ll be late,” I tell my mother.

She sighs. “Just remember that you can do much better that him.” She kisses my head and then disappears to get ready for work.

I groan and grab coat and put it on with a vengeance. I slip my school bag on my shoulders and grab my car keys off the key ring.

“Later squirt,” Andy says from his seat on the porch.

I stop ad look at him. “What are you doing sitting out in the cold?” I ask, pulling the zipper on my jacket all the way up.

“Avoiding her,” he says with a grin.

“She went to get ready for work. You’re safe now,” I tell him.

He chuckles and stands. “You okay? If you don’t want to go to school, I’ll call you out and write you a note.”

I smile at him and shake my head. “As much as I would love for you to pretend to be my father, again, I’m going to go.”

“I’d make a pretty good dad,” he says, pulling me into a hug. “Just call me if you want me to call you out.”

I nod and pull away from his embrace. “Thank you,” I tell him and then kiss his cheek.

He smiles. “Now, run along, or you’ll be late!”

I roll my eyes and walk off to my car. I open the door and throw my things on the passenger seat. I sigh and put the keys in the ignition. I put my seatbelt on and then pull out of the driveway. As I drive, I start to think, too much thinking for my own good.

It has been two days since I last saw Zayn. Two days since I have had any contact with him. To be honest, I am worried. Something about us didn’t feel right. I have this gut feeling that something is wrong, terribly wrong. I can’t do anything about it, and it is killing me.

I know something is wrong. He would have broken up with me a long time ago if he really didn’t want to be with me. He wouldn’t have acted as he did that night if he was just going to break up with me. And he especially wouldn’t have stopped us from going all the way, if he wasn’t going to break up with me. He must’ve broken up with me for a reason that he doesn’t have any control over. I just can’t figure out what the real reason is.

I push the thoughts out of my mind as I park my car in front of my school. I gather my things and make my way out of the parking lot and into the building. I say hello to a few people on the way in, not really paying much attention to whom I was talking to.

I arrive at my locker with five minutes until the first bell. I rush to open it and thrown my jacket into it. I grab my books and shove them in my bag. My first class is on the other side of the building. If I am late one more time, Ms. Flack would have my head.

I slam the door shut and my jacket gets caught. I groan and throw my things on the floor. I open the locker door again and shove my jacket inside. Before I can close the door again, a picture catches my eye.

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