3.New Introductions

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End Recap.

Kakashi's POV

Sigh.I wish I could just read my Make out tactics instead of deal with this world transfer crap.Any ways I opened the door to get out of that room but someone else on the other side beat me to it.It revealed a woman  who had a shocked expression when she saw me.Then...she fainted.

"Mom,are you okay?What made you fa-....HOLY CHIZZ!THE NARUTO CHARACTERS ARE HERE!!!!????",The kids behind her screamed.What the hell?

Coco's POV

O.M.F.G!!!!They are really here. Wait.... what if its just a dream...... are we dreaming because Naruto's hair is not that yellow. Then I realised that I just said that out loud.

"WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?!!",came Naruto's obnoxious voice.It really is them.And is that........?

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhh',I screamed,'Gaaraaaaaa",I yelled while running like a mad fangirl.He seemed to stiffen,but I didn't care.I tackled him to the ground.My mom woke up and tackled Kakashi too.We quickly got off of them and stood up.Tsunade stepped up to us and asked,"Uhhhm...Hello there.I'm Tsunade and I was wondering if you could try and help us.Where are we?".

"Hello,Tsunade. I'm Skyler Blue.This is my beautiful daughter Courtney Birei Hakishima. These are are her friends Zuko,Lucy,Jet,Akira and Silver.You are in Los Angeles,California. So,in other words,you are no longer in your world", mom said in a weird voice.Our guests looked really confused." If you follow me to the living room I'll explain everything. Make yourselves comfortable", she continued. I was trying so hard to keep in my inner narutard,and I could see that the others were doing the same.It just wasn't possible.So I dragged my friends out of the spare room with me.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!Oh my freakin gosh!They're really here"-Sil

"This is so...awesome.B-but how?"-Jet Lee

"I call dibs on Neji!!!!"-Kiki

"I'm gonna annoy the crap outta Kankuro... his days are numbered...hehehe"-Lucy Lu

"Skyler's gonna kill poor Kakashi,ya know. Wow.It feels so weird saying that"-Avatar

"Yeah,but now they're coming so let's keep our cool.Oh!And I call dibs on Gaara of the Funk",I said as we headed for the living room.It had four large and long red sofas,six beanbags and a HD flat screen.So anywho,they all sat down and waited for us to explain.

" So where should I start?Hmmmmmm",mom wondered.(I'm gonna start calling her Skyler now.She'll only say 'mom' when she is talking directly to her)

"How about you start in the beginning.I would like to know how you knew who we were,before we could introduce ourselves,even though we have never seen you before",Gaara said while kind of sort of glaring at me.I would have flinched but I was lost in his eyes.I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

"I'd like to explain the first part.Hi,everyone.My name is Silver Grey,don't ask why.Uhhmm...let's see now...oh!In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. Nah,I'm just kidding. So at school during lunch we sit at a table specifically just for us and-",Sil said,but was cut off by the idiotic Naruto.

"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? HUH?",he asked.Man,he's so annoying,but he's still boss.I noticed Sakura grow a vein on her forehead and walk up to Naruto and bonk him on the head."Naruto, can't you show a little respect!?Let her finish talking!!!",Sakura yelled at poor idiotic Naruto.

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