7.First Day in High School

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Y'ello!So in this chapter they go to high school for the first time!!!Some new characters will be introduced to liven the story.Also because I'm bored and will probably run out of ideas.



Skyler's POV

" Alright kids.Good luck on your first day.Oh,and by the way,you all have the same schedules so you can stay together.Don't cause trouble. Bye!",I said to our special additions. Since I talked to principal Sandler,they have the same schedules as the Narutards.

" Bye mom!Don't worry about it.We'll keep them under surveillance", Coco said with a grin.Gotta love her....

Coco's POV

It was about 25 minutes before the bell rang because we got to school early so we could show the 'Shinobi' around. Yeah,that's the group name we came up with.So now we were all walking down the hallway. Apparently since Temari was too old to be in high school, she and Itachi were the new gym coach's assistants. Guess who the new gym coach was.It was....












Gai-sensei!!!!!!!!Well,duh.There wasn't really a need for suspense. Anyways,The rest of us were put into the same class.Even Kankuro, although he was eighteen and the rest of us were from sixteen to seventeen.Whateves.

This is how the schedules went;
Gym(martial arts):1400hrs-1500hrs
Afternoon Clubs: 1600hrs-1700hrs

Yeah.So we went straight towards the principal's office to settle everything. We needed Hall passes. I noticed that most of the other people had hearts in their eyes when they saw who we were with.

"Looks like you guys have new members for your group. And...Sasuke has new,or should I say more,FANGIRLS!!!!!!", Kiki said. We all nodded,some smirked,some got anger veins(not anime veins) and Sasuke dragged his hand down his face.Lol...

"Hey,don't worry Sasuke!We'll tell them you're taken.Then they might leave you alone.There's a 3% chance this will work,though.Yeah...",Lucy added.

"That's not what I'm worried about"said Sasuke.

" Then what is it?You scared of the 'big kids'?",Kiba teased.

"No.Why I be.I could easily take them",he responded.

" * sigh*Hey,Court.Didn't your mom say not to cause trouble?",Shikamaru asked all bored-like.I looked behind him and saw that Kiba and Sasuke were arguing, and somehow Naruto and Kankuro got involved. How did that happen in the first place?Ya know what?I don't really care.

"Uh...should we help",Tenten asked.

"Uhmm...I think so.Coco?",Sakura asked too.

"Alright,boys.Break it up.The bell hasn't even rung yet",I said.After getting Zuko's help with breaking up the fight, I pushed them into Principal Sandler's office. Hey,guess what?Principal Sandler looks like Adam Sandler.Looks and acts like him too.After getting inside,we greeted him.

***inside the office

"Good morning,sir.These are the new students.We just came here for the hall passes and locker keys",Silver said.

"Of course, Courtney. Now,in case I put the new group as one,who'd the leader be.You know,for information and all the junk that I don't feel like talking about right now...",Principal Sandler said.Hmmm...who would they name leader?"Uhm...excuse us for a moment",I say.He nodds and we step out of the room.

***outside the office

"So who do you guys vote for?",Zuko asked the others.

" I vote for Gaara",Sasuke said,surprising all of us."Really?Why?",we all looked at the raven-haired duckbutt.

"Why not?I mean he is Kazekage, which means he has excellent leadership skills", he said...

.......0_0....←my face right now...

"Wow,Uchiha.Thanks for the recommendation",Gaara said.Sasuke nodded in return.

"Well now that that's settled-...Wait.Where are Naruto, Kiba and Lee?",I asked.That's when we heard a loud crash.

"Ugh!It's only their first day and they're already breaking things", I said.

"C'mon.Let's go find'em",Neji said and we left the office instead of going back to give the principal our answer.

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