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As the group and I ran down the hallways, we could hear a lot of shouting and I saw Naruto,Kiba and Lee running towards us.From behind them I could see a lot of dust.

" You guys!Run!",The three boys said.

" Why?",we asked them.

"More fans!!!"

Those two words were more than enough to make us immediately run the other way. We dashed away from the screaming fans,dodged air kisses,covered our ears from screams and ran for dear life.

We led the others down a hall that didn't have hat many people.'Come on.Time to think,Coco.What room has no students. An empty room to hide in.Aha!'.I turned a corner and made my way to the cafeteria. No one could be there at this time.It's the perfect hiding spot.

"Uh,Courtney? Why are we going towards the cafeteria?", Jet asked.

"Well I don't expect to see anyone there at this time. Why?"

"Because we came really late today",Akira said.I'm lost...

"And what does that mean?",Ino asked.Realization finally came to me and my skin paled.No...

"What does it mean?",Sakura repeated

" It's lunch hour...",I breathed.it was too late for us to stop and we burst into the cafeteria. All eyes were on us and the room was quiet.


More silence.

Stupid silence.



"Run for your motherfucking lives!!!!!!",I screamed.

" Coco!Language!",Lucy scolded.

"Sorry...but now we have to find another hiding spot",I said.

We all continued running and all those who had ninjutsu used that to move faster.Gaara gave me a ride on his sand.Luckily for them,no one could see them use their ninjutsu.

"Thanks, Gaara",I smiled and he nodded."Look up ahead.It's the doorway to the roof.Let's go!".

We all went to the roof and took a break.Ino and Sakura were keeping watch and they said no one was coming. We just sat there for the past few minutes and there were only fifteen minutes of lunch break left.

"Okay,guys. Only fifteen minutes left. We should grab something to eat before lunch break is over.Let's go",Zuko said and we all agreed.Especially Naruto,Kiba and Chouji.

We quickly went back to my place to grab a bite before we went back to school.

***Coco's House***

"Alright people.Get anything you think you might need.We're going back in five.Got it?",Lucy said and we all nodded.Sai and I went to our rooms to get our art supplies,Lucy,Kiki,Ino,Sakura and Hinata went to get some makeup and the other guys...I dunno.

"Time to go!"Temari said.She and Itachi were grinning at each other like idiots. They pointed at Gaara while talking,then they looked back at me.What on earth?

Anywho,we went back to school and were just in time for our next lesson. Gym class.

***Gym class***

"Alright,everybody. You have a new gym coach.This is Might Gai. Don't be too hard on him. We don't want a repeat of last year. Coach Perry's still in the hospital.Also welcome his assistants Itachi Uchiha and Temari of the Sand", Principal Sandler said.

The students welcomed Gai,Itachi and Temari and we started gym practice. We were supposed to spar and Temari and Itachi put us into pairs.Naruto was with Sasuke,Kiba with Zuko,Ino with Sai,Jet with Tenten,Lee with Shino,Neji with Kiki,Kankuro with Silver,Shikamaru with Chouji and Gaara with....ME!!!!????

Itachi's POV

Hahaha!!!! You should've seen the look on her face! I high fived Temari and we were grinning at each other like idiots. We went to sit on one of the benches as we watched the others spar.Some of the people who weren't trained weren't doing so well,but Gai was kinda helping them out.

"Our plan is working",I said.Temari nodded."Yeah,but we still have a long way to go.Gaara is a,uh,special case",she said.

"Then I guess we better plan our next move"

"Hmm...Alright.Meet me in my room tonight"

"Yeah...not sure that's a good idea"

"And why not?"

"Cause Jiraiya's here and he'll get the wrong idea.Then he'll tell everyone and we don't want that"

"You're right. So where should we meet?",Temari asked.I thought about it for a moment.

"Care to join me for lunch tomorrow? We have free period before lunch so we can plan then.What do you say?",I suggested. For a moment I was afraid she'd turn me down and I don't even know why.

"U-uhm.S-sure.We'll meet tomorrow...Oh.Looks like they're taking a break. I'll be right back", she said then made her way over to the girls.

Temari's POV

" Girls! I need to talk to you.Now!",I whisper yelled when I got to the girls.They looked startled for a second but there's no time for that.I have bigger problems!

" What's wrong,Temmy?",Silver asked. Oh man....what's wrong with me?The girls gathered around me and I took a deep breath.I kept looking back and forth at the boys.

"Why do you keep staring at the boys?",Sakura asked.Damnit!

" I...I think Itachi just asked me out"


OMFG!!!!!!! ITACHI X TEMARI!!!!!! ItaTema baby.

Ok I know it sounds bad but I wanted this story to be a little different. Don't worry,though.I'm ShikaTema all the way baby!!!So....





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