4.The Truth

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Yo!What's up guys. Ok,so Gaara has already gone to bed so...yeah.

Sumire:Hey Smile.

Me:Sumi.What are you doing here?

Sumire: I just came to see my boyfriend, Gaara from your other story 'My Big Bad Panda'.

Coco:What!?Gaara is my boyfriend, not yours!

*All girls turn to face Gaara*

Gaara: Uhmmm....BYE!!!! *runs to Orochimaru's hideout*

Well here's the story.Run G! Run!


Skyler's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling very unhappy.Then I remembered that it was almost that time of the year.Sigh.I got out of bed and walked into my private bathroom.I brushed my teeth and hair,then headed downstairs with my thin lilac silk gown.I hadn't changed from my Pjs which were just a revealing tank top and pair of shorts.I wanted to cry,but I had to be strong for my baby girl.If she saw me crying then she'd be depressed the whole time.So I put on my cheery face and headed downstairs.As I neared the kitchen, I saw silver hair.I instantly knew it was Kakashi since Silver's hair was straight and Jiraiya was probably asleep.

"Good morning,Kakashi.How did you sleep?", I asked,trying to cheer myself up.He seemed to have noticed that I was a little off.

"Good morning,Sky.I slept great and you?You seem off.Are you ok?",he asked with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Can I ask you a question? How do you mask all of your emotions on the anniversary of something bad that happened?",I asked with glassy eyes.He looked at me with both his grey and sharingan eyes.It's so hard to find a good man out there,yet the one I know I want is from an anime and will probably leave me soon even if we do get together.

"What's bothering you,Sky?",he asks me.I'm at the brim of tears here man.

"It's just",I was cut off by a really loud scream.Kakashi and I turned to the stairs to see Courtney running towards me with tears flowing down her face.She's probably started having those nightmares already.I bet that scream woke everyone else up,but surprisingly it didn't.At least I think so.

"Mom!He's back.I don't want him here!Make him leave!Make him leave!", she cried as she hugged me.

"Awww...my baby.It's alright honey.He won't get anywhere near you again...it's alright",I cooed.Kakashi was watching the scene with interest and curiosity so I jestured for him to the living room where I would explain.We sat on the couch and Coco had fallen back to sleep with her head on my lap.

"Do you mind telling me what all that was about?",he asked.I sighed.It's now or never.My future husband has to know what kind of topics never to bring up.

" ...Well...You see...My ex husband,Toro Hakishima,wasn't a good man.Well he was,but he changed.Coco had a twin brother;his name was Daniel Yukan Hakishima. They were very close and they always looked out for each other.Danny was VERY protective. He wouldn't even let her crush anywhere near her even though the boy had returned her feelings",I laughed a little. Coco turned a little in her sleep and buried her face into my stomach." So anyway, one day he just suddenly started hitting me.He would hit me everyday and threaten to kill my kids if I told anyone,so I didn't.I felt so weak,pathetic... useless". At this point I started crying. Tears were rolling down my face.Kakashi was rubbing my back now,and I couldn't be happier. I just wanted to pull down his freakin mask so I could kiss him,but even adult relationships need time.

"Months passed until....he started doing the same to Courtney. She told me only a few days after it happened.I don't really know all the details, but I do know that there was an incident three days later.Toro tried to do something to her and Daniel got there just in time to stop him and protect her,but........he killed him.That bastard killed his own son!And now the anniversary is coming soon.She hasn't been able to sleep around this time of the year ever sipnce.Yet she continues to keep on a cheery face everyday.*giggle*Ya know its thanks to you guys that she always has that face on.If it wasn't for your back stories and life lessons,she wouldn't be the ray of sunshine she is today. Thanks especially to Gaara.Learning about how horrible his father was to him and how his life was until Naruto helped him find a new path gave her a lot of inspiration. She chose to look on the bright side of things even though she still has her fears.Plus she has a major crush on him",I continued. Man,I hope Gaara wasn't there to hear that.Coco would kill me.

"That's tragic. I'm sorry,Sky.I think that's even worse than what I went through", Kakashi said after all my ranting.

"Thank you.All Coco needs is a father who will love her and never hurt her.All I need is a perfect dysfunctional family.Which is kinda like what we have now!",I grinned at the end.There was silence for a moment."Well then.We better get everyone up so we can go shopping.You guys need to get a change of clothes and the kids must register at school.They can't sit and do nothing all day,so chop chop!", I said,clapping my hands together.Kakashi took Coco to her room while I woke everyone else up.

Third POV

Little did they know,a certain redheaded panda 'accidentally' overheard everything that Skyler said.Now he knew the truth.What was he going to do with this new information?...........


Alright! *spit*So it's a story about Little red riding hood,yeah?!And there's a wolf that goes BAAAAH! *spit*And her grandma!And the sneaky little wolf tried to get in her place! *spit*SNEAKY LITTLE WOLF!!! *spit* (british accent)

Coco:Was that from the story teller from NickToons?

Me:Yep!Well that's chapter...uhm...what chapter is this again?

Coco:Uhm...chapter four.

Me:Oh yeah!Thanx.Chapter four everybody!!!

Coco:Thandie-chan only owns her OCs,not the other characters!\(^0^)/



Blah blah blah


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