Somewhere Between "I Hate You" and Inspiration

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*A Villanelle for MC

I told myself I'd never write 'bout you.
I'd never give the slightest satisfaction.
But look: Another page about us two.

You seem to think the words I write aren't true;
What's wrong? Don't want points for participation?
I told myself I'd never write 'bout you...

The way you walk, eat, breathe: the way you're you.
I'd never give the slightest satisfaction.
But look! Another book about us two.

"Bestseller! Bitter Lover: Volume Two!"
No—You'd never get the slightest satisfaction!
I told myself I'd never write 'bout you:

Your mom, your brothers, or your sister, too.
Or your plaque which reads, "Mama'sBoy4 the Win!"
But look! I wrote more books about us two.

You should be flattered! They're all about you!
We both know how you love and crave attention...
I told myself I'd never write 'bout you,
Endless materials' hard to resist.

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