Chapter Fifty-Two: New Team 7

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Mai had asked Akira and Team 7 to come into her office, where they were now. 

"Good. I all asked you to come here because I have something important to tell you," Mai stated gravely. 

"What is it?" Naruto asked excitedly, "Is it a new mission?"

"No, not yet. Actually, I wanted to let you know that Akira officially becomes a member of Team 7 from now onwards."

Naruto, Akira and Sakura all had a surprised look plastered on their faces; only Kakashi didn't seem to be surprised. 

"For real?" Naruto asked Mai as if he couldn't believe the news. 

Mai nodded. 

"That's so cool!!!!" Naruto said as he was becoming ecstatic. "We will finally be able to spend more time together dattebayo!!!!" he continued as he hugged his sister suddenly, taking Akira by surprise. 

Sakura's surprise turned into a genuine smile as she saw Naruto's happiness. 

But Akira didn't seem to be that happy about the news. She couldn't be blamed for this though. 

Only Kakashi noticed her being uncomfortable. And Mai already had expected the girl to react this way. But she also knew that it was necessary for her to do it. And it was necessary for the girl as well to be into a team again. 

Akira hugged her brother back reluctantly; it wasn't against him but she couldn't imagine being into another team, even if there was her brother into it. 

"And you'll see how much progress I've made in three years dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed happily. 

"Ok, so now I'll see you again when I have a mission for you guys. Thank you for coming," Mai finally spoke up, dismissing them.

Akira broke the hug with her brother and gave the Hokage a glare. But Mai didn't even bother to stare back at her, already pretending to begin doing something else. 

"Come on, let's go guys. The Hokage-Sama still has a lot of work to do," Kakashi said in his usual tone. 

Naruto and Sakura began leaving, followed by Kakashi, but Akira wouldn't leave, not before she could talk the Hokage out of this idea of her being into a team.

"Are you coming sis?" Naruto questioned his sister as he turned back around, seeing his sister hadn't moved. 

"You can leave without me, I'll join you later. I have something to discuss with the Hokage-Sama first," Akira said gravely, trying to hide her irritability and not to sound too harsh. 

"Well, say what you have to say, we're waiting for you," Naruto replied. 

But Naruto not taking the hint just pushed Akira to snap. 

"I SAID LEAVE, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHEN I AM SAYING SOMETHING???!!!" she shouted right in his face, which frightened the blond boy to death. 

Even Sakura freaked out at Akira's sudden bout of anger. 

"Come on Naruto!!! Let's go!!!" the pink-haired girl said hurriedly as she gripped Naruto by the arm to make him leave with her. Kakashi followed them closely behind as he didn't want any trouble either. 

As for Mai, she remained calm still pretending to do some paperwork. 

"No need to be that angry Akira. I understand that you don't approve of my decision, but I'm doing this for your own good."

"For my own good you say?! Really?! I can't be into a team again!!!! Especially if it's to replace some guy that'll probably never come back! Just go find someone else for this! There are many other shinobi in this village that would be suited to go into Team Seven!"

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