Chapter Eighty-Two: Goodbye

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Mai remained silent for a long while after what her father had just told her, pondering over it. 

"So... You don't have a boyfriend or husband, do you...?" Dan eventually asked her somehow hesitantly to break the heavy silence. 

This made Mai snap out of her thoughts. 


She somehow started getting flustered and embarrassed. 

"Well.... Actually......" she trailed off, uncertain. 

Yet, this should be an easy thing to say. But for Mai, it wasn't. 

"There was this other boy who happened to be his teammate..... And after his 'death' we got close.... And we became even closer after their other teammate's death... We would meet at the memorial every day at the same hour.... He even saved me when I was kidnapped...."

"Kidnapped?!" her father repeated horrified. 

"Yes.... I was kidnapped by Shinobi from Iwagakure.... But we weren't hurt and managed to come back alive to Konoha."


He thanked the man in his thoughts for saving his daughter, whoever he was.

"And so you two are...." 

"Well..... We are not married.... But.... He happened to have feelings for me, and.... Unlike Kaa-San with her friend I reciprocated them.... And.... We... We... Have a daughter....."

Dan's eyes widened considerably, and his mouth fell open once again.

"A daughter.....?" He repeated in astonishment. 


Not only had he discovered that he had a daughter, but that his daughter was actually the current Hokage, and last but not least, now he learned that he was a grandfather. 

This was a day full of surprises.....

Dan remained speechless for a while, trying to recover from the sudden shock. 

And when he did, a bright smile adorned his marred face. 

"I can't believe I am a grandfather," he muttered happily. "I am feeling so old..."

"Tell me about her. I want to know everything. How old is she? What's her name? What does she look like?"

Mai couldn't help but smile back at him. She was happy that her father was so happy. 

"Well, She was born not so long ago. She's not even a month old... Her name is Kei, and she's got our eyes and her father's hair, which is grey."


It did seem odd for a little girl as a color... 

"Yes..." Mai confirmed. 

"Who's her father?" Dan asked her out of curiosity. Of course, he couldn't know the man but maybe he knew his parents. Having grey hair was not something usual in Konoha.

"His name is Kakashi... He is the son of the legendary White Fang of Konoha, Sakumo Hatake."

"Sakumo?" Dan asked seemingly surprised. 

"Yes," Mai confirmed again. 

Another smile appeared on Dan's face. 

"Well, then if it's Sakumo's son, I don't need to get worried," he said playfully. 

 Mai smiled again. 

"And Kei... It's a beautiful name too," he then added softly. "Were you the one to choose it?"

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