»»»•Chapter 1•«««

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A/N: well my parents have banished me from my room cause I stay there all day so that's nice I can't just hide in my bed anymore R.I.P. my only safe haven. ALSO IZUKU HAS BLACK HAIR!!!!!
Warning:lots of cursing <)
Izuku's POV age 10

*sigh*'another day of hell. I wish I had a normal family instead of getting hit with beer bottles and whips everyday what next get a electric shock collar?' I though to myself being sarcastic at the end
(For Those who don't know what sarcasm is lmao)

"Izuku fucking Midoriya get your ass down here right now!"my mom named after pen ink screamed

'Well there is the living pen ink screaming my name. To bad I don't have school today to save my Sorry ass.'I sarcastically thought.

I walked down stares and their was the wild wildebeest. "Hey pen ink."I joked at mom.

"You little shit. Get your ass over here right now!!!"pen ink yelled.

"Ok so like should I cut my ass off so I can throw it to you?"I joked again.

My mom soon ran towards me grabbing me by my neck.
"You wanna play around well I got a nice little Collar for ya." Inko grinned

'Well shit.
I jinxed my self didn't I?'

"Fuck you"I said pissed off.

My mom soon dragged me and shoved me on the couch trying to get the collar on my neck. I tried shoving her off. 'Fuck it I'm using my quirk.' Before I was able to transform she got the shitty collar on me and in return I bit her arm drawing blood.

"haahhahahHahahHhHAHAhahaAHHa you really think I care now that I have this lovely collar on you! Hahahah you can't use your quirk you can't do anything I can do what ever I want to you!!!! HhAHHAhahahaHa"

My eyes widened just realizing I couldn't even use my quirk any more I was basically a quirkless slave now.

"You fucking bitch" I mumbled but to my luck she heard and shocked me.

"AHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!!!!"I screamed with tears starting to leak out.

"This is gonna be a fun weekend today.
Isn't it." She grinned

-at tokoyami's house-
(I don't know what the fuck to call there house deal with it.)
Third person POV

"Hey dad?"kurogiri asked

"What is it littlegiri?"Asuka replied.

"What happened to mom?"

This caught tokoyami's attention and soon joined in.

"Yeah what happened to her?"tokoyami asked dad.

"Well... she was a mad women I guess she was satan himself."Asuka giggled but soon was reminded by izuku his face started to frown at the thought of izuku.

"Hey what's wrong?"tokoyami asked dad.

"Nothing. Everything is ok" Asuka replied to tokoyami.

'Oh izuku I hope your ok...'Asuka thought to himself with a frown.

-back at the wildebeest household-
Izuku's POV
"Bitch get the collar off me!"I screamed at the living ink pen.


"Fu-...king b-bitch....."I panted out in pain.

"Sometimes I wish you would just kill yourself." My mother smiled.

"Wait up old hag. What happened to dad?"I question the wildebeest.

"No questions now you get a hour of shock time the pain rising by 5 every 10 minutes." She said as she gave me that disgusting smile.

"No n-GAHHHHHHHHH"I instantly fell on the floor holding the collar hoping it would stop.
By the 40 minute mark I went unconscious due to the pain.

~Time skip by 4 years hue hue~
The same thing happened in 4 years nothing special. Other than on weekends he gets the collar.
(Entrance exam)
Izuku's POV

"Well here it is." I said to myself.

Tokoyami's POV

"Well we are at U.A. how nice."I  joked to kurogiri.

"Well fuck it we failing anyways"kurogiri joker back.

"Shut up" I shoved kurogiri a little bit.

Izuku's POV

I soon noticed a bird looking boy and a guy with mist coming from him.

'Their quirks seem cool.' I thought to myself with a smile.

~after writing exams~

"Blah Blah blah... go to your location for the entrance exam." Present mic said.

I got out the auditorium and headed to the area.

'Hey bird boy is here maybe I can finally see his quirk unless being a bird is his quirk?' I thought once again to myself





A/N:well here is chapter 1 wow 2 chapters in a day I shocked myself.
Any way see ya soon!🖤🖤🖤🖤


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