»»»Chapter 4«««

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Izuku's POV My eyes opened wide as I tried to speak only to realize again their was a muzzle on my face

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Izuku's POV
My eyes opened wide as I tried to speak only to realize again their was a muzzle on my face...

"Now no more funny business. Turn your into your human form or am I gonna have to burn your legs again, besides the drug is no longer in effect so no excuses from your sad ass."Dabi growled.

I decided it would be safer if I just turned back to human. Besides I could always change back right.........?

I slowly changed to my human form
Only to have a collar shoved on my neck.

"Now this is just a quirk disabling collar.
Also the more you struggles the tighter it gets till you can't breath. It won't kill you but it'll sure feel as hell like it is."dabi smiled.

I forgot what he said only to struggle with the collar till it got so tight I could barley breath. I was starting to panic due to have my air cut off so it was hard to breath
I started to sweat a lot I soon started to cry but it was so hard to breath!
I was panicking to much and struggled more with it! "P-please ge- *gasp*"I was cut off short due to a upcoming coughing fit.

Tears rolled down my eyes until I legit couldn't breath my eyes widened I could only gasp letting out all of my breath not being able to get in air. More tears came down my face until I became weak due to lack of air.

Black specks started coming again
Everything was blurry until I went unconscious.

-5 hours later-

I finally woke up to me gasping for air.
My eyes wide after what happened but I still had the collar on. I didn't dare touch it the feeling of being unable to breath was horrific. I curled up in a ball while I cried myself to sleep after what happened.

—Nezu's POV—

Izuku should have been out a while ago...
Something isn't right.

I walked to where the doctors office would be to see the check up doctor tied on the floor unconscious. But their was a note on the desk.

It read

Hello to whoever happens to find this.
We took izuku see the doctor who you have izuku too wasn't the one tied up on the floor it was my wonder member!
To think your IQ was so high to not even notice the fact it wasn't him. Such a shame. Well we are gonna have lots of fun with lil izuku I think he can handle some more pain he managed it once so he can do it again.

P.S- if you do happen to find the retarded boy he won't be the same or in perfect condition either. He'll have plenty of fantastic flaws.

Worst regards,

A/N: sorry it's short again but it's better than nothing
UWU love you


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