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~Back to your P.O.V~

I got to the bunker; it is hidden, but I remembered the way when Dean took me back to my car. OMG, DEAN! I rushed to the bunker's door and knocked continuously 'till someone came to the door. It was Sam, and he looked terrible: I think he was sick. "Y/n? I think that's your name, sorry!"


"Woah, woah, slow down. Wait, Dean spoke gibberish to you? Come in and tell me what he said.

I walked into the bunker, remembering the first time I was here, when I was 'captured' (well, that's what I thought happened to me!) We walked into the huge library and sat down at one of the tables. "Ok, so pretty much I was just watching some Netflix, then, my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Dean. He was like, if you want to meet up I'm at... then he spoke the gibberish." 

"And what gibberish did he say, because, it might have been code."

"He said he was at: 926 hcruhc teerts , dnalevelc , oiho . Then he hung up, and I remembered the different types of coding they used in wars my dad told me about..."

"That is code, well done y/n! And yes, I have been worried sick... Dean was on a hunt for a shape shifter and left 3 days ago, he hasn't been home since..."

"Shape-shifters? Hunt for shape-shifters? What do you mean? Does are just fables; they dont exist right?"

"What??? I didn't say hunt for a shape-shifter... I said...umm...hunt for a deer, yep, he was hunting for a deer!" 


"Ok, y/n, you are not going to believe me, and you'll think I'm going crazy in the brain!!! But, me and Dean hunt, and not for deer, or rabbits, but for shape-shifters, and djinns, and demons, and monsters; you know, all the things that go 'bump' in the night."

"Ok, Sam, you're just really sick, ok; your brain isn't fully functioning."

"Here we go..." Sam wheezed. "Happens every time..."


"Ok, well, y/n, don't take this harshly, but I don't care what you think right now; if you believe me or not, but my brother is in trouble, and it's my job to save him. I am de-coding this message then saving my brother." Sam opened up his laptop and stared de-coding the message. It took a bit of time until he finally figured it out! "Dean is being kept at 629 Church Street, Cleveland, Ohio." 

"Ohio... what the heck!!! That's like a 15 and a half hour trip!!!"

"I have to save my brother y/n."

"Sam, you can't, you are soo sick. I might be underestimating you, but as soon as you walk into that house and the man who captured Dean sees you, he will kill you before you can move out of the way of the bullet. You are too sick."

"Ok then, what are we supposed to do smarty, let my brother JUST DIE IN THERE??" Sam shouted.  There was a moment of silence. "I'm...sorry y/n. I didn't mean to scream..."

"I know Sam, your just worried about Dean, so am I." I put my hands over my mouth! 

"Even though you only met him for like an hour?!"

"Never mind what I said, but, here, your too sick, and Dean literally took me in and saved me before the doctors could." 

"He didn't, that was all a lie" Sam whispered to himself. 

"I'll go and rescue him." 

"No y/n, your not even a hunter, you have no weapons, no 'hunter's skills'.

"Trust me, I think I can handle this... y/n style!!!"


Ahhhhhh, I have 100 views!!! It actually isn't much compared to other supernatural story reads but I'm so thankful and I love you all, thanks again for the support!


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