8. Feelings...unite?

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Sorry it's another author's note again, but I got 200 views on the story and I just wanted to say I'm go grateful for y'all. Love you guys so much <33

~To the story~

It was time... for your first hunt EVERRRR!!! You were in the back seat of the Impala on a 2 hour trip to Lincoln. You and the Winchesters were going to hunt a musca (hybrid between man and fly). You were missing Coco, but you agreed to this life, and if you did well in this hunt, the boys promised to get another dog to keep her company while you were gone. 

"Hey, are you alright." Sam asked.

"Alright?! No! I'm...fabulous, I'm so excited to be hunting and fighting for justice."

"Well, I'm not saying they're hard to kill, but musca's are-"

"They're ugly. Actually no, fugly." Dean interrupted

"Well, I'm still excited to take these...'fugly' creatures down!" Dean gave a smirk, but kept his eyes on the road. 

You got to a motel called 'The Lincoln'. It looked like, well, a bit dirty. It wasn't your usual luxury 4 star motel life style. All of you three went up to the counter. "Two rooms please. One with a double and one with two singles." Dean asked. 

"Umm, sooorry duuuuude, but we only have one room availablllllllle with twooooo singlesss."  Dean was a little mad. "Ok then, we'll take it." We walked up the stairs to our room, 286. We opened the door and the hotel wasn't to bad compared to other two star motels I've seen, even though the staff at the counter was a little...umm...easy going. It wasn't really musty, there wasn't any stains anywhere, and the only dust was a little bit on the door, otherwise, it was about perfect, and cheap!! "I'll take the floor." Dean sighed.

"No Dean, I will." Sam agreed.

"Boys, I'm the guest, your the one's paying for this, it's only fair that I sleep on the floor." We were all fighting over the floor all of a sudden! "STOP! If we're gonna fight over a floor, no one's sleeping on the floor. Sam, have your own bed. Y/n, your with me." You blushed. "You didn't even ask!" although you were kinda happy you got this chance. Yep, you still had that crush on him! "Well, Sam will knock you off the bed in less than a second!" Sam rolled his eyes playfully. "Fine!" 

"Or would you prefer the floor?" Dean questioned.


"Ok then, problem solved. You laid your duffel on the bed and grabbed a change of clothes out of it. You went into the bathroom and turned the shower water on. The hot water touched you so gracefully, and always made you feel better. 

~Dean's POV~

Sam, y/n and I got into our hotel room, and then we all of a sudden argued over a floor spot to sleep on. I decided that y/n would sleep with me, cause Sammy needed space when sleeping! I must have not payed attention, because I walked into the bathroom, and I heard the shower on. I was guessing y/n was in there because I saw a blurry, well, female body. "Get out!" 

"Sorry, sorry." I must have been really sleepy today. Anyways, it looked like the shower was occupied, so I told Sammy I was going to get some chinese for dinner...

When I got back y/n was dressed in black shorts, a blue checkered flannel, and hair out. "Is that one of... my flannels?"

"Oh shit, I must have accidentally put my hand in your duffel while I was getting a change of clothes!"

"Hey, it's all good. Keep it on, you look good in it." I swear, I think I saw her blush the littlest bit, but I liked it. "Anyways, here's dinner." We all sat at the table and ate. I handed out some beers to everyone, but y/n declined. "I'm fine with water for now." 

After dinner Sammy went on his laptop, reading some online voodoo books I'm guessing, and I went for a shower. Y/n just sat on the bed playing cards with herself. After I got out we played a few rounds of cards, and damn, she was pretty good. "Ha, I win yet again!" I shouted.

"Yes...you do!" Dean sighed playfully.

"Hey guys, I'm a little tired. Is it alright if I turn off the lamp?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. In fact I'm getting a little tired too, I might do the same!" Y/n gave me a look as if to ask 'can we go to sleep now?' I nodded. I turned the lamp off and we both lied on our seperate sides.

It came to around 2am, and y/n must have had a dream she was hugging something, because she got closer, and came to hug me. I liked the warmth of her hands on my body, so I just pulled closer. That girl, so strong on the outside, but so soft on the inside...

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