Chapter 4; Aloha's Party.

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So, for the past few days you have won lots of battles and did and 10× winning streak but you wanted to end it immediatly since its making you more anxious and worried that what'll happen if you lose. Well, you fought Team Blue and not so surprising, they won ending your win streak.

(T/M1) Suddenly got texed by Aloha or Lo that your team was invited along some other teams like The S4, Team Blue, Team Emperor, Team Gloves, School Cardigans, and more. He said the party will be help at Mahi-Mahi Resort tomorrow at 7 PM.

It was a good thing you all know where Mahi-Mahi Resort was since you've been on an "adventure" through The Plaza.

You all set reminder on your phone so you don't forget about the party. You then turned off your phone and charged it then went to sleep bcuz boi it right now 10:58 PM.

~Next Day~

You woke up and head down stairs and had you morning tea with your teammates like you all usually do in the morning then ate cereal or toast.

You went to The Shoal to play some Squid Beatz 2 still sighing that it's still a long way to defeat Mask; The Team Cyan leader, and a part of the S4, known to be a Gaming King and Sub-Weapon Hell. You were still in 20th place you really want to beat Mask but you decided to went to Grizz Co. Industries to do some Salmon Run.

Sure the place is sketchy but it gave you some gear and food Tickets so Why not? You collected 184 food tickets just by doing it so you could atleast save your coins to buy fresher Gear with better abilities and stronger Weapons.

You then went in the tower to play some Turf Wars with a bunch of randoms. Some of them recocnized you, the ones on your team were glad, though the ones on the opposite was slightly scared. Cod, if you could only tell them you just wanted to have fun without them being scared. You are a just a normal Inkling/Octoling like the others.

You then played for the second time and saw Army. That's weird since why would he fight with randoms? Eh, its not like I would care, though I did Have a feeling of wanting to be on the same team with him.. No, no (Y/N) get your mind clear. You HAVE to focus. He is quite hot & handsome to be honest thought...

Army's P.O.V.

B-Sailor and W-Sailor are going to do Salmon run while Forge-Chan said she was going to visit her Family at Calamari County leading me to be alone.

I decided to do some Turf Wars with a random team but this time without my Manual since I forgot to bring it. Great..

I entered a random lobby and saw (Y/N) there. My heart started beating faster and faster. If only I had the courage to tell them my feelings.. none the less I straightened my Beret. I was in the same team as (Y/N), oh cod this will be a long day.....

3rd Person's P.O.V.

The battle started and (Y/N) quickly inked the ground and went to the middle. The stage was Inkblot Art Academy. (Y/N) Threw their Sub-Weapon at the enemy and splatted them. Army was right behind them, coloring un-coloured spots you left since you were too focused on attacking.

Army's face heatened up as he saw your beautiful Focused face (That is cheesy). He tried lowering his Beret so you couldn't see his face to well. To bad You saw his blushed faced a little.

You, Army, and you 2 other teammates kept inking turf and Activating specials. One of your teammates was using the Carbon Roller Deco, the same weapon as Mask. They activated Auto-Bomb Rush.

You didn't saw one of the Autobomb infront of you and tripped. You closed your eyes and waited for your fall, it never happend. You opened your eyes and saw that Army catched you. You blushed after seeing this. You apologized to Army. Army mumbled "Cute.." but you didn't heard it due to the Autobombs exploding.

Then another random teammate activated their Baller special since they used a .52 Gal, like Aloha. You saw them dashing through and killed 2 people from the opposing team. You and the Carbon Roller user Booyah-ed to them and they Booyah-ed back.

Army then activated his special which was Ink Armor.

You thanked him since an enemy was starting to attack you, almost splatting you but thanks to the Ink Armor you got a little boost and splatted them instead.

The battle ended and your team won by 67.48%

The 2 random teammates from you team thanked the both of you since you gave them "Inspiration"

You and Army went out of the Tower.

"Hey, wanna eat lunch together at mines?" You asked Army. It was already lunch by the time you and Army finished playing. "Ofcourse (Y/N), that'd be nice of you." He said.

You both headed to your team house, luckily (T/M1) and (T/M2) weren't there since they were going to stay at their parent's house for 3 days. Yes, the 2 of them are siblings.

You cooked some Curry since it was the only food that has the ingredients right now at your house and you know that Army loves Curry.

Once you finished cooking it you served it on 2 plates and brought it to the table and saw Army drooling at the exquisite smell.

You both ate your food and once they were finished you tooked the plates and put it in the dishwasher.

You then heard you phone vibrating and so did Army's. You checked your phone and saw that it was already 6:30 PM.

"(Y/N)-Chan, are you invited to Aloha's party?" Army asked. You nodded. "How about we go to Mahi-Mahi Resort Together?" You asked him. "Uh, s-sure!" Army said while looking to the side a little to hide his slight blush.

The Journey to Mahi-Mahi Resort was calm. You two talked about Battles and etc. Not long after you both didn't realized you've already reached Mahi-Mahi Resort.

You both went in to the pool where what you guess, everybody was at. Aaand, you were right. Loud music, Cephalopods dancing, talking Cephalopods, and ofcourse laughing and swimming splashes Noises could be heard. The water is safe, so people can swim in it and not dissolve like in battles.

You saw your team and Army's at a table with 8 chairs. 2 vacant seats. You guessed they saved the 2 seats for you and Army. You both sat down and had a small chat.

Once the party was finished people started to leave one-by-one. Your team and Army's team walked back together since your Houses weren't too far from each other.

You said your goodbyes and tooked a goodnight's rest. Or atleast, that's what you've thought and expected..


Total words: 1212

So far my least words in a chapter with my new writing style. I'm disapointed in myself rn ;-;

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