How to be Annoying While Texting

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I know I said this chapter would be fandom related but I haven't finished writing that chapter so this chapter is how to annoy people while texting! I'm afraid my recent obsession with the show Supernatural shows...

How to Be Annoying While Texting

1. Copy and paste Wikipedia articles and send them to people. This should make their phone crash.

2. Send them more than one article

3. Use Google Translate to send people "The bombs are ready" in a different language. See what happens

4. Text your friend's mom. Say that your from the local hospital, and their daughter is in labor.

5. Send people pictures of geese

6. Try and communicate in emojis. Get frustrated when they can't understand you- Using emojis.

7. Text people "Let's sacrifice her to Satan" and then "Oops wrong number"

8. Pretend to be a fictional villain, just don't tell them what you're doing

9. Quote Tumblr

10. Text people when you're half asleep.

11. Send people a barrage of texts at three AM saying "URGENT" and "PLEASE PLEASE REPLY"

12. When they reply, say "Were you asleep?"

13. Ignore their texts but post to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, whatever

14. Update them about your daily life ex. "I just brushed my teeth!" "I just had breakfast!" "I just got in my car!" "I just sacrificed my hamster to Satan!" "I just ate a doughnut!"

15. Update them on things they probably don't want to know about

16. You know how all companies have a website? Find the website for a company that sells acne cream and text them the URL. Write "Now I'm not hinting at anything..."

17. Send them more pictures of geese.

18. Text a random person

A. And say you're from the bank, and they're behind on their mortgage payments

B. And encourage them to join your demonic cult

C. And say you're God. Tell them to walk through a wall as a sign of their faith

19. Swear at strangers in Welsh. Should be interesting

20. Text them in song lyrics

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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