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        The boys were at a private concert for 10 lucky twitter followers. While me and Jennifer were at the house chilling.
        "Hey Ally I gotta tell you something." Jennifer said nervous.
        "Jen, if you you gonna tell me you like my brother, I've known that for a long time," I said.
        "Wait? You know?" Jennifer asked.
        "Yes and before you asked yes I'm cool with it. I rather have you date my brother than someone else," I said.
        "Awesome," She said.
        My phone buzzed a few times. I looked at it and it was one from Drew saying that they will be back around midnight. Another one was from Ryder saying Why are you ignoring me? You need to get over it. One from the unknown texter/caller.
        "So the only people who know that you kissed Wes is Wes Jennifer and Keaton. I wonder what Drew would do it he found out by someone else. Remember I'm always watching," The texter said.
        "Shit," I said.
        "What?" She asked.
        "The unknown texter knows that me and Wes kissed and I think they are planning to tell Drew that," I said.


        "Hey sista," Drew said.
        "Hey bubba, how was the concert?" I asked.
        "Pretty good, how was your night?" Drew asked.
        "It's good. Me and Wes kissed the other night. But before you get pissed it wasn't on purpose. He was being really sweet and and I kissed him on his cheek and he turned his head and we kissed. It was my fault bubba not his. Please don't be pissed," I said in a rushed.
        "When did this happen?" Drew asking trying to stay calm.
        "The night I was sick," I said.
        "The night Wes broke his hand," Drew said.
        "Yea," I said.
        "What's up girly girl?" Wes asked hugging me from behind.
        "I wouldn't do that," I said moving from the hug.
        "What? Why?" Wes asked.
        He looks at Drew and hits him.
        "You told him didn't you?" Wes asked.
        "Yea, I couldn't hide it from him anymore," I said.
        "Don't be mad Drew as soon as I kissed her. I knew that it was a mistake," Wes said.
        That stung but I didn't want Drew to see that it hurt me.
        "Yeah it was a mistake," I said.
        "I'm not mad. I'm disappointed that you guys went behind my back and made out. I wouldn't have been so disappointed if you told me the day that it happened. But no instead you told me what a week after? Im not mad I'm disappointed in both of y'all. I can't believe that you would keep this from me Wes. Especially not from you Ally. I thought we had a better relationship then that," Drew said.
        "We do Drew, but I was--," I stated.
        "No, save it," Drew said leaving.
        I started to cry. I rather have my brother pissed at me then have him disappointed in me. I hate this feeling. I never wanted to hurt him like that.
        -2 weeks later- Drew and Wes have been getting into more and more fights each and every day. Wes and I haven't talked. Drew and I are all good. I need to find out how to get them to stop fighting.
        "Simon wanted us all to come to the meeting including you Ally," Drew said coming into the room
        "Why does he want to meet me?" I asked nervously.
        "He said that he wants to meet my little sister." Drew said.


        "So your Drew's little sister?" Simon said.
        "Yes sir, I am," I said.
        Simon seemed taken aback from that comment.
        "So much more polite then your brother Ally," Simon said.
        "I get that a lot sir," I said.
        "Since you are living with your brother now. I suspect you want to go on tour with them?" Simon asked/said.
        "Yes sir," I said.
        "That's no problem. But now there is something that I need to tell you guys. Ryder?" Simon said.
        Ryder comes in, smiles at me and sits down.
        "Boys, this is Ryder Scott," Simon said.
        "We know," Wes growled.
        Again with that growl.
        "You do?" Simon said raising one of his eyebrows.
        "Yes sir, they do. Ryder is my ex boyfriend sir," I said.
        "Oh well I hope that won't affect this. Ryder and Emblem3 are going on tour with each other," Simon said.
        "What?' All the boys said.
        I knew that this was going to happen
        "Is this gonna be a problem?" Simon asked.
        "No it won't be a problem. I will make them behave," I said really quickly before one of the boys could say anything.
        "Drew I like your sister," Simon said.
        "Apparently a lot of people do," Drew said looking at Wes.


        Great! Not only do I have to fix Drew and Wes friendship but I have to keep Emblem3 in check while touring with Ryder. GAH!!!
        "Hey, what did he want?" Jennifer asked when we got home.
        "Ryder is touring with Emblem3 on this upcoming tour.
        "That sucks," Jennifer said.
        "We know," Drew said.
        Drew and Wes were glaring at each other.
        "I have had enough of this. Drew and Wes quit acting like big babies. Drew you and Wes have a friendship that everyone wants, and you are going to ruin that because what me and Wes kissed? So what? Drew I have kissed like 5 guys. 3 were boyfriends and 2 were truth or dares. Drew kissing is a part a life. Oh and Drew I just remember this you kissed someone that was like a sister to me did I get pissed out or was I disappoint in you when you told me what 3 weeks after? No because I didn't care it wasn't any of my business," I said.
        "Wait? You kissed a girl that was like a sister to Ally and didn't tell her until 3 weeks after and she didn't get pissed at you. But you get pissed at us because we kissed and told you after a week? Not cool man," Wes said.
        "I forgot about that. Look Wes I'm sorry but she's my little sister and she is the only one I got. She's my angel. And Ally I know I go over-protective sometimes but you my little sister I don't want you to get hurt," Drew said pulling me into a hug. 
        "It's fine Drew just don't over-react like that," I said hugging back.

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