The tour starts

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        Today is the day we leave for the tour. First stop Seattle for the homecoming show. Why they decide to do it on the first stop? Beats me, I don't know why they did it like this. 

        "He's lucky, I didn't punch him," Wes said.

        Wes didn't talk to me since we left the press meeting yesterday, so I finally got him to talk to me.

        "Wes, if you did that you would get in major trouble," I said.

        "Yeah, but I don't like that guy," Wes said.

        "I dont like him either and if he does anything to you he is dead," Drew said

        They still don't know. I need to tell them.

        "Guys, there's some," 

        "We gotta go now or we will be late," Keaton said cutting me off.

        We have to meet Simon before we leave.

        "What Ally?" Drew asked.

        "It's nothing," I said faking a smile.


        I was staring out the window of the car when Wes intertwined his fingers with mine and was rubbing his thumb over mine. I looked at our hand then at him and smiled.

        Wes didn't return the smile.

        "What's up?" I asked.

        "Something is wrong with you," Wes asked.

        "I'm nervous about the tour and you guys with Ryder," I said which isn't a lie.

        "Babe, as long as he doesn't try anything or hurt you. Its gonna be fine. I promise," Wes said kissing the top of my head.

        I smiled and looked at the window again.


"Okay guys from what I saw yesterday. I made the right choice with having you both on tour with each other. Jennifer I usually don't let girlfriends come alone but you are now living with them. Am I correct?" Simon asked.

        Simon doesn't even know me and Wes are dating.

        "Yes sir," Jennifer said.

        "Don't make me regret this decision. Now Ally and Ryder I know you have a past but don't let this affect the tour," He said.

        He has no idea.

        "Yes sir," We both said.

        "Now boys is there any concerns? or Questions?" He asked.

        "No sir," They said.


        "Ally I can't wait until we get home," Jennifer said.

        "Same," I lied.

        So many bad memories. So little does the boys.

        "I'm sitting by Ally," I heard Keaton said when we are on the plane.

        "No, I am Keaton," Wes said.

        Drew sits by Jennifer and laughs.

        "How about this, Wes sits by her on this one then next time Keat does. So on and so on," Drew said.

        "Fine," They said.

        Wes sits next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. Keaton sits by Ryder. Glaring at Drew and Wes.


        Who knew after a 3 hour plane ride, you would be exhausted. We all decide to go and ahead to the hotel to get some rest for the concert and visit family tomorrow. I woke up to my phone going off, my head popped straight up, and I seen Wes next me with his arm around me. When did he get there? Last thing I remember he passed out on the couch.

        I grabbed my phone and seen that it was my mom. 


        "Hi mom," I said.

        "Hey have you told Drew?" Was the first thing she asked.

        "Not yet. Been busy with other things," I said..

        "But you still coming to see me right?" She said.

        I could hear that she was fighting tears.

        "Yes mom, I will tomorrow. But I gotta go and wake the boys up, They have a sound check in an hour," I said.

        "Okay. I love you." She said.

        "I love you too bye," I said hanging out the phone.


        The meet and greet was so crazy. I never expected this many fans to come up to me and ask me for a picture.

        "Hi Ally, you have to remember me," Some someone said.

        I turned around and seen a girl with brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and she is about 5'6

        "Madi?" I asked.

        "Yeah, you remember me," She said hugging me.

        Madi was one of two good friends that I actually had.

        "How have you been?" I asked.

        "I've been good," She said.

        "Ally, we need you for a sec," Renel said.

        "Okay be there in a sec. Nice to see you again," I said leaving.

        Wes' POV: I seen Ally talking to a girl who hugged her like she knew her. I wonder if she really does. Luckily she was next and the last one in the line.

        "What's your name?" Keaton asked.

        I can tell Keaton thinks he is pretty because he smiling like a fool.

        "Madi," She said.

        We took the picture and she was about to leave when she stopped and turned to us.

        "So I'm surprise you actually agreed to go on tour with Ryder especially when given their past," She said.

        So she does know Ally. Wait what does she mean? Me and Drew looked at each other and back to her.

        "Ryder cheated on Ally, then when Ally broke up with him, he got pissed and hit her countless of time. She has scares from where he hit her on her. Then he well um you know rapped her," She said.

        "How do you know this?" I heard myself said.

        "She told me when it happened," She said.

        I felt all levels of anger surge through me at it once.

        I stopped Ryder standing in a comer waiting for us to get done. Drew must have noticed him at the same time.

        "Wes, Don't! not now!" Drew said trying to hold me back.

        But he couldn't.

        "Are you guys finally done?" He asked.

        Wes punched him right then and there.

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