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Originally written in Icelandic, see below. 

Upprunalega skrifað á Íslensku, sjá neðar.

The travellers were sitting inside a tent when the wind finally calmed down. The priest was mixing sand with great efforts. He had given the economist the task to keep the cat away from the stand mixer and the sand so that the creature wouldn't eat all the sand. Neither one of them, the cat nor the economist were very pleased with this arrangement. The animal fought with all its might. The economist held one of the cat's legs while he tried to read a local newspaper. He, however, did not understand a single word in the langue it was written in and it didn't help that he was holding the newspaper upside down. 

The priest constantly prayed and begged God to help him, it seemed as nothing was working out for the poor man. It was, however, not very clear what his goal was. 

In one corner of the tent, the gardener was sitting with a palm leaf, cutting out Christmas snowflakes with intense accuracy. To begin with, the concentration was so intense that his tongue was sticking out of the corner of his mouth, but that had been before the cat had bit the tongue of the quiet gardener. 


Þegar vindinn fór loks að lægja, sátu ferðalangarnir inní tjaldi. Presturinn blandaði sand af miklum móð. Hann hafði fengið hagfræðingnum það verkefni að halda kettinum frá hrærivélinni og sandinum svo að skepnana myndi ekki háma sandinn í sig. Hvorugt þeirra , hvorki hagfræðingurinn né kötturinn voru sérlega sátt með þetta hlutskipti. Dýrið barðist um á hæl og hnakka. Hagfræðingurinn hélt í eina löpp á kettinum á meðan hann reyndi að lesa dagblað staðarinns. Hann skildi ekki stakt orð í tungumálinu og ekki bætti úr skák að hann snéri dagblaðinu á hvolfi.

Presturinn bað í sífellu, Guð að hjálpa sér og virtist sem ekkert gengi upp hjá auminga manninum. Þó var ekki víst hvað markmið hanns var. 

Í horni tjaldsins, sat garðsnyrtirinn með pálmablað og klipti út jólasnjókorn af mikilli nákvæmni. Í fyrstu hafði einbeitingin verið svo mikil að hann hafði stundið tungunni út um annað munnvikið en það var áður en kötturinn hafði bitið í tunguna á þögla garðsnyrtinum.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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