Tryouts and Suprises

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Chapter 2 

I can't believe we're already here. London looks so beautiful. We pulled up at our new house. It was white and had a red door The house wasn't that big but it was just right for me and my family. I had my own room. "Finally!" I shouted as I walked in my room. My mom had decided to redocorate the whole house before we moved in. I decided to paint my room purple, which was my favorite color. At one side of the room I put mats so I can stretch when I want to. I filled the wall beside my bed with posters of bands I liked including One Direction,Fall Out Boy and Maroon 5. The wall on top of my head was filled with polaroid pictures of me with my friends, family, cheermates and etc. I topped it all off by hanging fairylights. I finished unpacking my stuff so I decided to sleep since it will be my first day of school tomorrow.

"Morning mom! Where's dad?" I greeted my mom who was cooking breakfast. "Morning hon! Your dad left early for work" "Oh.." "Eat your breakfast and get going. You might be late for school" "Oh shit!" I munched down my breakfast as fast as I could and bolted out the door.

At school  

Okay Mia breath in, breath out. You can do this. I said to myself. I had my first class, History. I walked in the classroom and sat near the window. A little while later a pretty white girl with curly light brown hair sat next to me. "Hey there!" She said to me. She seems to be friendly i thought to myself. "Oh... hi!" I said quite shyly. I'm not that good in making friends. "You must be Mia, the new girl." I wonder how she knew that? "Yup that's me. Uhmm...Do you mind if i ask but how you knew?" "Oh! I know everything around here. I'm Frances by the way" She said proudly. I gave her a smile and nod. I noticed, while she was fixing her things, that her filecase has a picture of Niall. "You like Niall?" "Oh... Yah! Sorta a directioner" "Me too" We both had shocked faces and laugh at the same time. I'm getting along with this girl great. We sat together in recess and lunch but she disappeared at last period. After my last class, I quickly changed into my sports bra and cyclings. Good thing it's sunny this month. I went to the gym where they were holding the cheerleading auditions. When I went inside I saw Frances talking to the other girls. As she turned around and saw me she immediately  ran towards me. "Hey! You didn't tell me you're trying out." "You didn't tell me you're a cheerleader" "Oh.. yah! Left that part out didn't I?" "Obviously" "Go ahead and get ready. It's about to start"

I passed the tryouts!!! Woot woot! I ran to frances and hugged her. "Congratulations!" "Thanks" I let go but someone else hugged Frances from behind. "Hey love" Who's that? He was tall, handsome and he had reddish hair. "Peter, your here!" Guess his name is Peter. Frances then gave him a kiss on the lips "Uhmm... Ehem!" I tried to fake cough to get Frances' attention. "Oh Peter! This is Mia, new girl" "Hi!" "Hi" I gave him a small smile. "Babe we gotta go" Peter told Frances. "I'm sorry Mia, I have to go." "No it's fine. Go!" They left hand in hand. Guess that was Frances' boyfriend. When I got home I saw my mom and dad at the dining table. "Your home" my mom greeted me. "How was school?" My dad asked. "Fine" Not really giving any emotion. "I know this is hard for you but to make it up" My dad said rising from his chair and walking towards me. "Your mom and i wanted to give you these to make it up" My dad handed me two VIP tickets with meet and greet passes. As soon as I read it, I kept on screaming and jumping. "Thank you mom! Thank you dad!" I said as I hugged them. I finally get to watch them perform live! 

I went upstairs and texted Frances. I had an extra ticket so might as well give it to her.

M: Frances!!!!! Your gonna love me when I tell you this.

She replied immediately

F: What!?!  

M: Wanna go with me to the 1D concert this sat? :) 

F: ghzdaassfjsr! OMG!! Yes! Yes!  

M: Guess what's better? 

F: Can it get any better? :O

M: Our seats are VIP and we have backstage passes!!!! 

F: No freaking way! Wahhh!! I love you so much mia :*

M: Love you too, babe!

*Chapter 2!! Sorry for ranting about cheering and stuff. Well cause I am actually a cheerleader but they're finally get to watch them. Again Commen,Fan and Suggest! :D

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