Chases,Parks and Kids Part 2

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*I'm so so so so kabillion times sorry for uploading after 48234393948 years. I got busy in school and sportsfest is near so I'm busy as hell but it's our semestral break. Yayyyy!! I can upload more often! Well here it is! Enjoy!*

Harry’s P.O.V .

“Luke I have to go!” Luke was our manager. We had to record songs today ,so we did, but he wanted us to record some more but I can’t. I have to meet up with Mia at the park and I’m already late. “No Harry! You have to stay” Luke said to me.  “Luke please...” “Fine one last song then you can go” Finally! I went inside the booth and sang.

After that I was about to head out the door but Louis spoke to me. “Where are you going Haz?” The lads all stared at me waiting for a reply. “I have a date.” I said proudly. “Is it that girl form the meet and greet?” Liam said wiggling his eyebrows. “Actually yes” I said smiling. “She seemed cool.” Liam spoke again. All of them gave me an approving look and I went out to my car.

“Ugh!!!” I groaned. I was already 30 mins late. I arrived and immediately went searching for Mia. I found her in the playground playing with a kid. “She looks beautiful in that floral dress” I thought to myself. A smile appeared on my face but faded quickly. Wait does she have a kid? No way. I pushed away those thought and headed to her. I went behind the swing where she was sitting. I pushed her back lightly making her swing sway slightly. She turned around and I said “Hey babe!”  “Hey there” She said with no emotion at all. She’s mad. I mean who wouldn’t be? I was 30 mins late! She stood up and walked away. No way am I going to let her stay mad at me. I grabbed her wrist making her spin to me. I slipped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. “Please don’t be mad at me. I’m so sorry for being late. I really am! The management wanted to record a few more songs. Please Mia don’t be mad at me anymore.” That was the most apologetic I’ve ever been with a girl. “I forgive you” She forgave me! A big smile appeared on my face.

Our heads leaning in to each other but when we we’re about to kiss we felt a something small squeezing between us. Mia looked down and so did I. It was the kid she was playing with earlier. She picked him up and patted his clothes. “Hey there little man! I’m Harry” I said to him introducing myself. “Hi Hawwy!” he replied.  Mia introduced us to each other ““Harry this is Mason my little brother. He’ll be with us till 2:00 till his babysitter comes to get him. Is it okay with you? ” Phew! It’s her brother. “Sure! No problem. Come on then Mason, let’s play!” Mason held my hand and we headed for the slides.

I played with him for a little while until Mia came to us saying that his babysitter was already here. Mason whined to Mia about how he wanted to play with me some more and I did too but she said no and maybe next time. I gave him a big hug and watched Mason run up to the babysitter. I grabbed Mia’s waist and pulled her closer to me. “No problem babe. I like kids” I said to her. As our lips were about to make contact her phone rang. “Why does something always interrupt us?” I thought to myself. Mia said sorry then started biting her lip as she got her phone. Why does she have to do that? Something like that can really turn me on.  I wanted to kiss her even more now. She grabbed her phone my  arms not leaving her waist. She looked at the contact name and she looked annoyed. Maybe she wanted to kiss me as much as I wanted to kiss her? She put her phone back in her bag and slipped her hands around my neck. Before she can say anything else I crashed my lips to hers. It was the same lips that I missed and craved to kiss again. We pulled back smiling and our forehead resting on each other. Her phone rang again and this time she was going to reply. I released my arms around her waist and let her distance herself.

She turned her back to me and started texting.  I saw that she was done texting so I took her phone and started looking at her pictures. I saw she had pictures of us and the lads but there were some that was only me. I clicked it and saw a picture of me and a text that says “I wish I was Harry Styles girlfriend” I started to read the taglines aloud. I was laughing the whole time. Mia tried to grab it from me but I held it up higher so she couldn’t reach it. “Harry, give me my phone!” She yelled at me. “Nope” I said replying back and I started to run off. I hid in a bush and looked through her contacts. I searched for my name and changed it to “The most handsome guy you’ll ever meet” I clicked save then checked if she was near but no sign of her. “Shit!’” I accidentally locked her phone. Now I can’t do anything to her phone anymore. I clicked the unlock button and saw that her lock screen was when we were at the carnival. I smiled looking at the picture.

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