Chases,Parks and Kids Part 1

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*Sorry for uploading late it's because we had a competiton and training was crazy. I couldn't update cause I was always dead tired when I get home but here's the new chapter! I'll try uploading again on sunday. Enjoy! 

Mia's P.O.V

I woke up with a huge smile on my face. Last night was one of the best nights of my life! Everything was just perfect but what happens now? "Will Harry call? Does he still like me? What if he doesn't feel the same after last night?" I shook those thoughts out of my head and headed for the shower. I sang along to Enchanted by Taylor Swift

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 

I was enchanted to meet you"

I got out and went to put on my sweatpants and a white tank top. "Oh shit!" I screamed and remembered that I had to call Frances after the date. I ran to the table next to my bed and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and saw I had several texts and calls, all from Frances. All of them were something like "Are you done with your date?" "What happened?" "Are you there?" "Mia!!!!" "Answer me!" "MIA CASSANDRA DAVIS!!"

It would be hard to explain everything to her through text so I better call her. I listened to her ring tone which was One Thing then she finally picked up. "Finally!!! You answered! Spill now!" She shouted through the phone. "Ow!" Well that wasn't good for my eardrums.

I told her everything and by the end of it she was speechless. "I wish I had a date like that..." Frances told me. "Then tell Peter" "Peter's not that kind of guy" I can tell she was sad. We didn't say anything for a moment. Awkward.. but she decided to break the silence. "So has Harry called or texted?" "Well actually no" Right at that moment, Harry texted me. "Actually he just did!" "Eeeeepp!! Well I have to go! Good luck!" right after the call ended I opened Harry's text.

H: Good morning, babe!

M: Good morning!

H: You busy today? I miss you already. 

I can imagine him saying that with the cute puppy dog eyes.

M: Not really. I miss you too! What do you have in mind? 

H: How about the park?

M: Sure!

H: See you there at 1:00 :x

Yes another day with harry! Can this weekend get any better? I first ran downstairs to eat breakfast since it was pretty early in the morning. "Morning mom!" "Morning! You went home pretty late last night. Where did you go?" "I'm sorry mom. I went to Frances' house" "Oh..okay! Just go home early next time." "Okay!" Phewww!! Good cover up Mia. I went on and ate my breakfast.

While I was eating someone was pulling on my leg. I looked down and saw my little bro, Mason. "Hey there Mason!" He was playing with my leg. Mason was about 3 years old. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He got that from my mom's side while I look more like my dad. I picked him up and sat him on my lap. "By the way Mia, You have to take care of Mason today until 2:30 in the afternoon. His babysitter will be late today." "But mom I have to go to the park today" "Bring him. I'm sure he'll like it" I felt Mason jumping on my lap. "Park with Miwa? Yeyy!!" I looked at him and gave him a small smile and went back to my mom "mom..." "It's only for a little while" I was about to argue with her again but I looked at my phone and saw it was already 12:00. "Shit!" I carried Mason and put him down near the tv, where he can watch, and ran to my room to change. I stripped down from my clothes and changed into a floral dress which stopped above my knees and paired it with some flats. I grabbed my shoulder bag and headed downstairs. I saw Mason already waiting for me in front of the door with his bag. I grabbed his bag and headed out with him."Let's go Mase!" While we were driving there I remembered that I totally forgot to tell Harry. I hope he doesn't mind. Too late to tell him now, we're almost there. We arrived so I got out and got our bags and held Mason's hand.

We went around the park but no sign of Harry. Was he ditching me? I frowned at the thought of that. I snapped out of it when Mason started pulling on my arm. "Look a pwaygwound! Let's go!" He said to me while pointing at the playground. "Okay! Let's go!" We played at the swing and slides which helped me forget about the thought that Harry might not show up. I was sitting on a swing and watching mason play in the sandbox when somebody pushed my back lightly, making my swing go higher. I stopped and looked back and saw Harry. "Hey babe" He said in a soft tone. "Hey there" I said flatly. I was still kinda upset about the fact that he was 30 minutes late. He was wearing a grey beanie which covered his curly hair but few of them stuck out. I stood up and was about to head to Mason but Harry grabbed my wrist pulling me to him. I felt his hot breath on my skin and felt the rise and fall of his chest. "Please don't be mad at me. I'm so sorry for being late. I really am! The management wanted to record a few more songs. Please Mia don't be mad at me anymore." He said in a husky voice clearly he was tired. It really is not his fault. "I forgive you" I said with a warm smile.

Our heads were leaning in to each other but somebody came squeezing himself between us. "Hey there little Mase. Done playing in the sandbox" I picked him up and removing the sand on his clothes. "Hey there little man! I'm Harry" Harry said to him. "Hi Hawwy!" Mason said trying to pronounce Harry's name. "Harry this is Mason my little brother. He'll be with us till 2:00 P.M. Thats the time his babysitter will come and get him. Is it okay with you? " I informed Harry. "Sure! No problem. Come on then Mason, let's play!" Harry told mason. I put Mason down and he grabbed Harry's hand. They both headed for the slides and see-saws. I watched them slide down the slides. Raising both of their hands up. They sat down the see-saw and Harry using his legs to make the see-saw go up and down. Harry was so cute! I can't stand when guys play with kids.

I saw that the babysitter was here to pick Mase up. "Wait there a little bit" I said to the babysitter. I went to the see-saws where Harry and Mason was. "Come on Mason. Camille is here already" Camille was the babysitter. "Awwww....but I want to play with Hawwy" He said to me with a frown. "I want to play with Mase here too" Harry also said beside me. "Come on. You'll get to play with each again" I told them both. "Bye Hawwy!" Mason said cheerfully. "Bye little man!" Harry said while stooping down to Mason's size to give him a hug. They both gave each other a big hug. Mason ran to Camille and they started walking off.

Harry grabbed me by the waist, pulling us closer to each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck "Thank you for playing with him" "No problem, babe. I like kids" He said in a husky voice. We were leaning in to each other to kiss but my phone suddenly rang. I backed away "I'm sorry!" I bit my lip turning to my phone but Harry's hands not leaving my waist. It was a message from Frances. "Hey!! What's happening? ^__^" Frances bad timing! I said thinking to myself. I rolled my eyes and turned back to harry. "It was just Frances" I said smiling at him. In no time Harry crashed his lips to mine. I couldn't help but smile in between the kiss. We both pulled back catching our breath. "I've been waiting for that all day" Harry said to me.

I gave him another small kiss before my phone rang again. I turned around to reply to Frances. If I don't she'll be texting me the whole day. After I replied, Harry grabbed my phone and started looking at my photos. No! Not the photos. Most of it is just them. Others even had a caption like "I wish I was Harry styles girlfriend" "I love how Harry styles dress" and others. "Woah!! I love how Harry Styles dress" Ohmygod!! He's reading it out loud. I tried to grab it from him but he was keeping it high as he can. "Harry give me my phone!" I yelled at him. "Nope!" He said popping the "p" and he started to run off. I chased him but lost him. While I was walking to find Harry, somebody came out of the bush scaring me. I let out a shriek and saw it was only Harry.

"Harry!" I said punching his arm. He let out a laugh and handed me my phone back. "Here's your phone" He said smiling at me. "Thank you!" I grabbed it and put it back in my bag. I heard Harry yawn and saw him rub his eyes. Poor Harry he must be tired. "Come on, babe. Let's sit down on the grass" I grabbed his hand and led him to the grass. I sat down stretching my legs and Harry lied down on it. "Babe, rest. I know you're tired" I said with a concerned tone. He gave me a small smile and nod as he yawned and closed his eyes then covering it with his arm. I removed his beanie and put it on my head then giving him a peck on the lips. He responded by smiling after. I quietly hummed and played with his hair. I watched Harry sleep as I enjoyed the air.

*This date is not over yet :) Wait for Part 2! 

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