Intro Chapter!

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Little update: The first few chapters might not be the best ones, so keep reading! They're not bad or anything, but they just might not be as well written. So just to let you know, the book gets better!

Peter was buzzing with excitement, yet nervous and unsure. Aunt May was going away for six months to take hold of a job opportunity, and Peter had been offered to stay with Tony. Tony loved Peter, of course. Is his bland days of working and coping with anxiety, something about and energetic, kind teenage boy calmed him.

Peter had an interesting relationship with Mr. Stark. He was like his father, in a way, but he was much cooler, not to mention richer. In fact, it was really only on the way to Stark Tower that it hit Peter—he would be living with a Billionaire.

"Alright, here we are," a Happy said, monotone voice prevalent.

Peter smiled. "Thanks, Happy." (He always tried to be extra polite to Happy, but he still annoyed him when the time was right. It was his job.)

Peter climbed out of the seat and went to the back trunk to pick up his suitcase. He didn't want to make Happy carry it, and besides, it wasn't really much trouble. (One of the many perks of super strength.)

The two walked into the front door of the tower and were greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, Happy. Hi, Peter."

"Hi Melanie," Peter waved as they approached the scanner. Peter's bag passed through quickly (as per usual, they never actually scanned his stuff. They knew Tony was close with this kid and trusted him wholeheartedly).

"Happy Hogan, Level 9 clearance," FRIDAY's voice said over the speakers.

Peter stepped through next.

"Peter Parker, Level 9 clearance."

Peter looked at the machine scanner. It said Level 9, alright. Last he had checked, he was Level 8. Mr Stark must've upgraded him.

"Alright, kid. We don't have all day."

Peter grabbed his bag and walked to the private elevator.

Same as always, the elevator was pristine. (Tony must've had a really good cleaning staff.)

"Hello, Happy. Please enter fingerprint ID."

Happy placed his hand in the fingerprint pad. It turned a green color and the elevator started to move swiftly past all the other floors.

"Nice to see you both again."

The doors slid open, revealing the clean, comforting smell of coffee beans and furniture.

Tony turned from his spot at the counter.

"Mr Stark! Hey," Peter smiled, stepping off the elevator and into the hardwood.

"Hey, kid. How ya been?" Mr. Stark questioned, giving Peter a smile and a light pat on the back.


"Good. Uh, you can put your stuff in your room," he said, gesturing vaguely over to where he was referring to.

Peter came over so often, and Tony had so many extra rooms, Peter had one that he always slept in when he stood the night some weekends. His room. Peter's room. Peter Parker had a room in Tony Stark's house. How lucky was he?

He turned the corner and found the room halfway down the hall. It was was so clean feeling— it had cool toned walls and wooden accents, as well as a ton of white. There was a mini fridge (as many Mr. Stark's rooms did) and a TV directly in front of the bed. It was like a fancy hotel, Peter sometimes felt.

Peter set his bags down beside the bed and strolled back out to the living area where Tony, Pepper, and Happy were chatting. He sat on one of the bar stools by the counter. Tony was across from him.

"So, kid, you ready?" Tony asked, looking at Peter.

"Ready to stay with you? Of course I am," Peter replied.

Tony nodded. "Well, I think you know the rules, and I'm sure you saw I upgraded your access, so feel free to just hang out." Tony pushed himself up from his leaning position on the counter. Peter nodded and exchanged a glance with Pepper.

Tony walked out of the room quietly and stepped into the elevator. "FRIDAY, take me to my lab, please."

"Right away, Mister Stark."

The elevator doors shut. Then, without hesitation, Pepper spoke up.

"Sorry, he's been in a tight space with all the legal stuff lately. He's still trying to sort out his little 'excursion' with Nat, Bucky and Cap to Russia."

"Oh, no, that's fine. He's usually busy when I'm here anyway." Peter was completely honest about that. Tony was usually caught up with work when Peter was there, so Peter had a little corner in the lab to work in and make web fluid at. It was easier than doing it during chemistry.

Pepper gave Peter a sideways glance. "So, what do you do when you come here anyway?" She inquired (Pepper loved to make conversation. Especially with Peter. She found him to be as pleasant as they come). "I mean, the whole 'Stark internship' is just you being Spiderman."

"I usually design things, make webs, that kind of stuff," Peter replied.

Pepper nodded. It looked like she wanted to say something else, but her phone rang.

"Ah, sorry. I have to take this." Pepper rushed into the elevator to get to her office floor.

Suddenly, within the first two minutes of living with the Starks, Peter was alone. Thankfully, that wasn't a problem. He went to the kitchen counter to grab a snack, then flopped down on the couch in front of the TV. It was playing and episode of Psych (courtesy of the author, I love that show). Peter pulled out his phone and went to his Instagram story.

Peter had a public account with 334 followers. A good 50 were friends from school and his fellow classmates, but the rest were made up of people who thought is was cool that he interned for Mr. Stark.

Flash would comment on the account sometimes, saying it was fake, but the rest of the comments would shoo him away. Peter never addressed his classmate's rude comments. He didn't need to give Flash that satisfaction.

But that account was nothing compared to the Spiderman account he ran. It had 9.8 million followers, and it was nearing 10 mil fast.

The account itself just had pictures of the city from up high on buildings, and sometimes pics and videos of Spiderman swinging around or hugging fans. But people loved it, all right.

Today, Peter just felt like posting on his personal account. He took a picture of himself, eyes covered, leaning against the edge of the couch with the view of the Stark Industries plexiglass walls behind him.

I'm sooo tired after all my tests today, but thankfully I have no plans tonight. I'm staying with Mr. Stark for 6 months (as I mentioned in my last update), so I suspect good times are ahead. For now, I'm just gonna call my aunt to make sure she got to the airport okay. And to my friends: see you at school on Monday!

Peter tapped the little button to post, then proceeded to keep his promise of calling May.

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