Yayyy a Cliché Field Trip fanfic (Y'all know this was inevitable)

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I know these are cheesy and redundant but I LOVE THEM so I'm writing one and you can't stop me. Also, I DID NOT PROOFREAD. THERE WILL BE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. I'M SORRY. Enjoy!

Peter was beyond tired. It was two minutes until school ended, and he had bad news on his mind.

Of course it had to be at the tower. Of course! My Parker LuckTM is really acting up today.

The bell rang—too loud if you ask Peter— and everyone shuffled excitedly out of the classroom.

Happy was outside in the back of the lot, driving one of the less expensive cars. Peter didn't want to be noticed by his classmates when he was picked up or dropped off, so he always either parked a few blocks away or drove something slightly lower profile.

"Hey, kid," Happy unenthusiastically greeted. He liked to pretend Peter annoyed him more than the kid really did. Happy liked the kid a lot more than he let on.

"Hey, Happy," Peter said, unusually mellow. Happy raised his eyebrow at the kid in the mirror, but decided not to ask what was wrong. Peter was obviously not happy, he didn't want to add to his distress.

The drive was silent for the most part, aside from Peter's loud groan when he received a text from May.

May: Just got an email from your school about a field trip! I forwarded it to Tony. Love you, call me tonight!

Tony knew, that wasn't good. In fact, it was horrible. He was sure to embarrass Peter, and he could probably convince at least Clint and Sam to join him. Maybe even Nat if she was in the mood. Oh, and Bucky. Definitely Bucky. Don't get him wrong, Peter would love to see Flash embarrassed that he was wrong, but it would only give him more teasing material. Peter was in pure aggravation, but he decided that there was no avoiding it. Tony wouldn't be fooled if Peter faked being sick. Plus, Flash would accuse Peter of cowering out for fear of having his "internship" exposed. Still, it would be hell.

The car pulled up in front of the tower, and Peter hopped out, mumbling a "thanks"  to Happy.


Peter and Tony said nothing to each other as they tinkered away in the lab. Tony was fixing a bug in his suit, meanwhile Peter was coding a bot he had made to be friends with Redwing.

"So," Tony said suddenly, "You excited for Friday?"

"What about FRIDA- oh, wait... that." Peter corrected himself. "Uh, no."

"Why not?" Tony asked, not looking up from where he was working.

Peter gave him a look. "You better not embarrass me. I know you're planning on it, don't try to hide it from me. You and the others can not show up. I'll die."

Tony chuckled. "I won't embarrass you, but I may or may not make some... minor appearances."

Peter groaned. "Mr. Stark."

"Tony!" the older man corrected.

Peter smirked. "As long as you say you're going to show up, we are off a first name basis."

"C'mon, Pet-"

"Mr. Parker." Peter was the one to correct him this time.

Tony grumbled in annoyance. "Fine. Mr. Parker, I'm not just gonna ignore your class. I'm sure they'd be delighted to meet me."

"Mr. Stark, you can't-"

"I can do whatever I want, I'm the grown up!"

Peter frowned, turning back to his project, and mumbled under his breath "you sure don't act like one."

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