Heirs, Prom, and Embarrassment Pt. One

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Idk, I've got nothin' to say. Enjoy!

Peter was beyond nervous. As soon as he'd returned from school, FRIDAY had alerted him that Tony needed to have an important talk with him in the common area. So there he was, on the couch, heart beating faster than could be healthy, next to Tony Stark.

"Calm down, kid. You're gonna put a dent in the floor if you keep tapping your foot like that."

Peter blushed and stopped tapping his foot. "What did you wanna talk about?"

Tony leaned toward the boy a bit, getting into a comfortable position. "It's about Stark Industries."

Peter was a little more panicked now, if that was possible. "Is everything okay? Are we in danger? A lawsuit?"

"No, no, it's nothing bad. Chill out."

That made Peter more relaxed. "O-okay, what's up?"

"I... I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, kid. But I'm sure as hell not in my twenties anymore. One day, Stark will have nowhere to go. I have no kids, no family sane enough to run a company. So..." he took a breath, "I need someone to take over when I retire. And you're the most capable person I know..."

Peter's breath hitched. "Tony, you're not saying..."

"I am saying. When I'm done, SI is yours, kid. And I know you'll do great things with it. So if you want it, it's already locked in place for you to take over."

Peter took a moment to process before his face broke into a grin. "Tony! Tony, oh my god! Are you serious?! I can't breathe. I literally am about to die. OH MY GOD!!!"

"Hey, calm down, kid. That's not all."

Peter, still smiling, shut him mouth and nodded to tell Tony he could continue.

Tony chuckled at the boy's excitement. "Well, you're seventeen, almost a legal adult. And yeah, you're still a junior in high school (for anyone not in the U.S., it's 11th grade, A.K.A. the year before the final year of high school) but the government has been pestering me about getting a successor for years, and now they're putting their foot down. They want a final answer tomorrow, and it has to be announced to the public effective immediately. So you'd be everywhere. I don't want this to mess up your school life and social life, I know how fake friends are, but that's what has to be done. So, if you're okay with it, we're gonna tell the world about the future of Stark Industries."

Peter took that in for a minute. The consequences could vary, but inheriting SI? He couldn't say no.

"Okay. I'll do it."


Peter stepped onto campus and was immediately surrounded stares and whispers. Then, those whispers turned into shouts of excitement.

"Congrats, Peter!"

"Parker, are you really gonna get Stark Industries?"

"That's one hell of an internship."

Peter blushed at the compliments and hid his face in his hood.

Wow, I'm surprised they all know. I didn't know they kept up with the news so well.

He suspected someone found out and spread it all over Twitter. That was the most logical explanation. The press conference that was held was easily accessible online, and he was in the video and pictures.

"Dude!" Ned ran up to him, MJ trailing behind.

"Hey," Peter greeted. He knew that people would try to befriend him, but Ned and MJ were his real friends. They had always liked him for him.

"Looks like you're a celebrity, now," MJ commented. He smirk was telling that she was happy for him, but not a total fangirl like Ned.

"You're the heir to SI! Do you realize how nuts that is?" Ned grinned excitedly.

Peter walked to his locker. "It's  pretty awesome, yeah. Tony told me a couple of days ago. I may or may not have been running on the ceiling and walls for a few hours."

His friends smiled, clearly happy for him.

"Good job, loser. That pretty much means you're rich, now."

Peer laughed at MJ's remark. "I didn't think of it that way, and I doubt I ever will, but yeah, I guess."

The five minute bell rang. The trio split off to their separate classes.

Peter had history first period. He filed into class and took his seat at the side of the classroom a few rows back. People were shooting him glances and smiles. Others just tried not to look.

The teacher, Mrs. Albaugh, (That was one of my past History teacher's names. I loved her, she was really nice and cool.) passed Peter's desk, then stopped, and backtracked a couple of steps.

"I was on Twitter yesterday and saw some interesting articles about Stark Industries. Congratulations, Peter," she smiled genuinely.

"Thanks," was Peter's quiet response.

Mrs. Albaugh nodded and stepped up to the white board to greet the class.

People kept looking at him, then looking away the second he noticed. Peter didn't hate the admiration, but the attention made him uncomfortable and somewhat embarrassed.

He thought he was safe for the rest of the class, but the morning announcements didn't fail to come on.

"Good morning, Midtown Tech! This is Principal Morita with your morning announcements!"

Peter anxiously fidgeted. Would they say something? It was big news, after all.

"Today for lunch we have chicken tenders or a meatball sub. Now, onto special announcements.

"Remember to get tickets to Prom! It's only two weeks away, you don't wanna miss it. Also remember to nominate and vote for Prom king and queen!"

Ugh. Prom. Peter had nothing against Prom, but it was weird because he was always awkward in situations like school dances. Tony, Pepper, and May all wanted him to go, but now it seemed like such a stressful situation to put himself into.

"In other news Midtown would like to congratulate Peter Parker for his recent accomplishment-"

Here we go.

"-as the newly announced heir to Stark Industries! Congratulations, Peter."

Everyone turned to look at Peter, and a quiet applause echoed through the room. Peter's cheeks flushed and he hid his face.

The announcements finally finished, and the teacher began her lesson. But no one really paid attention, they were all too excited to be sitting next to a future billionaire.

There will be a part two, and possibly a part three if it stretches on for too long. Hope you liked it!

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