1. Empty Eyes

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Tip tap.... Tip tap....

The echo of steady footsteps drew the attention of a bunch of girls who were chatting nonstop in the corridor leading to the music practice rooms. All the babbling mouths paused for a second, astounded by the sight. Then they started to rattle on even harder trying to comment on the situation.

"Isn't that Kevin?"

"What on earth is happening? Why is he out of the practice room?"

"It must be an important thing. This is the first time I've seen him coming to this section in the past six months."

 "Yes, as far as I know, he never leaves room number three and his guitar in the day time unless for a lecture but the tutoring hall is not in this way. I think the world is going to turn upside down."

"We need to find out about this. What does this most handsome but arrogant boy is doing here?"

"Whatever the reason, it seems not to concern us, and that is what I'm worried about."

Every single girl tried to express their view about the unusual situation in a hurry. As the boy who was the center of this talk approaching all of them were stunned by the scene. They even forgot to close the mouths which were open in the middle of sentences.

When all these were happening in the surrounding Kevin ambled along the passageway without paying any attention at all. The tall, handsome boy was quite a sight to admire. The sharp, small dark brown eyes with thick eyebrows, perfect straight nose, pinkish-purple lips with a flawless upward curve and curls of silky black hair made him more striking to the eyes staring without blinking.

 All the eyes were followed him until he stopped in front of the practice room twenty-two, and when he knocked on the door, they couldn't help but gasp loudly. At that very moment, they had to flee from their gathering spot to avoid Kevin's stern eyes.

Kevin waited for a moment until he heard the answer to the door. He slowly opened the door and stepped inside when a soft voice invited him in. To his surprise, the room filled with darkness. It took a few minutes for him to get used to the surroundings lit by mild light coming through the big window covered by thick brown curtains. The first thing his eyes caught was the large chestnut colored piano and the bookstand filled with music books in the right-hand corner. A glass vase with a bunch of tulips on top of the grand piano brought a pleasant look to the room.

"Hello, I'm Amaya. Please come in. Did you come for Mr. John's request?" a soft voice asked.

He turned around to see the corner from where the voice came. There lied a few comfortable chairs and music stands with sheets of notes ready to play. When his eyes ran beyond the music racks, it was his turn to be amazed. The innocent beauty of the girl facing him took his breath away. He admired her fair complexion matched with long silky black hair, elegant, lean nose, perfect pink lips formed a sparkling smile and the small black eyes with extra long eyelashes under grand arches of eyebrows. He couldn't take his eyes off from the heavenly sight, but he felt that there was something strange at the same time.

"Hello, I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you." He replied as soon as realized he needed to greet her.

"Please have a seat."

"Thank you. Did Mr. John discuss the details about the new piece we have to compose for our performance with you?" Kevin directly got into the matter, trying to catch Amaya's eyes into his gaze. But her calm eyes didn't meet with his even once while she was talking.

"Yes, I've thought of some notes with the help of my friends, but I waited until you come because as Mr.John said our group needs to do it together."

"Your friends?"

"It's Lanya and Theo. They play the violin and piano. Mine is a violin too."

"Two of my mates and I play guitars. We need to put our heads together about this matter. There are only four months left for the performance. Shall we meet here from tomorrow afternoon?"

"Amaya... We need to go now. Lanya is waiting for you." Theo dashed into the room, interrupting the conversation. Kevin looked at him feeling irritated.

"Theo, this is Kevin. We were talking about performance and arranged our practices."

"Hello! Nice to meet you. But we are in a hurry now. We'll meet tomorrow." Theo shook Kevin's hand hastily and held Amaya's hand.

"I'll let other's know about the afternoon practice. Thank you for coming, Kevin. See you tomorrow." Amaya managed to say with a smile before leaving with Theo.

Kevin was standing there frowning to the entangled hands of the two leaving the room. He felt a sharp prick inside his heart. Suddenly he sensed his whole mind is deserted.

'What nonsense! They must be dating. Why should I worried about a girl who I met today. I don't care about girls anyway.' thought Kevin and left the room irritably to meet Alex and Ryan. But those black eyes didn't abandon his mind even for a second. It made him even grumpier when he was in front of his friends.

"It looks like rain is near.." always cheerful Alex shouted when he saw Kevin's clouded face.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin hissed.

"Kevin, did you arrange the practice session?" Ryan, the calm and peaceful person among the three, stepped in before Alex can open his mouth again.

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon in room twenty-two." Kevin said while placing his guitar in the case and left the room without another word.

"What's wrong with him?" Alex murmured surprised by his behavior.

"Leave him alone. He'll be alright by tomorrow. Shall we go home too?" Ryan suggested trying to figure out what went wrong in the day.

Kevin's car was racing along the way to his house. He could only see Amaya's radiant smile and lovely black eyes ahead of him. He stepped on the accelerator even harder, annoyed. When the car stopped in his driveway with a loud screech Mishil, his mother rushed to the front door.

"Kevin, is something wrong?" she asked, but the answer was only a head shake to say no, and he was in his locked room in a flash.

Kevin wanted to be alone, to think about everything alone. He sat on the bed; his hand reached the head pressing tight, trying to think sensibly. Those eyes didn't stop dancing in front of his closed eyes.

'What's wrong with me? Am I jealous of those two?' He shook his head as soon as he thought it to brush off the idea. High and mighty Kevin Edwards never felt jealous of a girl, never!

'It's those eyes. They are pretty but different. It must be the reason I can't forget them. What is the difference?' His mind worked non stop like a steam engine. Crease after crease appeared on the forehead.

'I couldn't catch her eyes in to mine even once. Why is it? Why? Even though they looked perfect, those seemed to be lost. I need to know this. Think hard Kevin or you won't be able to sleep today.' 

After torturing his mind for a few hours, Kevin lifted the head up. The creases of the forehead softened one by one. His eyes became bright, and the lips formed a smile showing finally he knew something.

'The twinkle of the eyes was missing; they were not bright. Those charming eyes looked empty, completely empty...

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